SPBASwiss Private Bankers Association
SPBASociety of Professional Benefit Administrators
SPBASingapore Promising Brand Award
SPBASociété Pétrolière du Bec d'Ambès (French oil company)
SPBASenior Professional Baseball Association
SPBAScottish Pipe Band Association
SPBASaskatchewan Pipe Band Association (Canada)
SPBASpartina Bakeri (sand cordgrass, switchgrass)
SPBAStormy Petrel Bar Association (Oglethorpe University)
SPBASeneca Powerboat Association
SPBASingapore Powerboat Association
SPBASouth Perry Business Association
SPBASun Parlour Baseball Association
SPBASpotted Barbtail (Premnoplex brunnescens)
SPBASilent Partner Body Armor
SPBASponsored Project Budget Authorization
SPBASuccess Profiles Benchmarking Analysis
SPBASouthern Permian Basin Area
SPBASan Pablo Baseball Association (California)
SPBASt Petersburg Bowling Association
SPBAStanford Pre-Business Association
SPBASt Petersburg Ballet Academy
SPBASouth Plains Bankers Association
SPBASyracuse Police Benevolent Association
SPBAStrategic Planning Budgeting and Assessment
SPBASt Paul Basketball Association
SPBASouth Philadelphia Blocks Association
SPBASao Paolo Bluegrass Association (Brasil)
SPBASpecial Permit, Board of Appeals
SPBASouth Plants Balance of Areas
SPBAStatement Processing Benchmarking Association
SPBAStonewall Professional and Business Association (Dallas, TX)
SPBASyracuse Play-Based Assessment
SPBASecondary Performance-Based Agreement
SPBASandy Plains Baseball Association (Marietta, GA)
SPBASelkirk-Priest Basin Association
SPBASecurity Pacific Bank Alaska
SPBAScientific Poultry Breeders Association