St. Petersburg Protocol of 1826

St. Petersburg Protocol of 1826


between Russia and Great Britain, concerning joint actions in settling the Greek Question, signed on April 4 in St. Petersburg for Russia by Count K. V. Nessel’rode and Prince Kh. A. Liven and for Great Britain by the Duke of Wellington.

In accordance with the protocol, a demand was made upon Turkey to establish an independent Greek state, which would remain a vassal of Turkey by paying an annual tribute. In order to avert clashes between Greeks and Turks, the Greeks were granted the right to acquire Turkish properties in Greece (art. 1). It was proposed that the borders of the Greek state be determined by a special agreement between Russia and Great Britain (art. 4). In case Turkey refused the proposal of British mediation, provisions were made to bring “joint or individual” influence to bear on Turkey and the Greek side to effect their reconciliation (art. 3).

Declaring that they had no desire to acquire territorial or other advantages in Turkey, Britain and Russia invited France, Prussia, and Austria to join in the protocol. Prussia and Austria greeted the protocol with disapproval. They considered it an encroachment on the “lawful” authority of the sultan. In their eyes it was a form of support for the “insurrectionists” and as such was an attack against the principles of the Holy Alliance. They also saw it as a threat in that Russia’s position in the Balkans would be strengthened. France responded positively because of its effort to strengthen its own position in the Mediterranean. The St. Petersburg Protocol of 1826 formed the basis of the London Convention of 1827 between Russia, Britain, and France concerning the settlement of the Greek Question.


Martens, F. F. Sobranie traktatov i konventsii, zakliuchennykh Rossiei s inostrannymi derzhavami, vol. 11. St. Petersburg, 1895.
Debidur, A. Diplomaticheskaia istoriia Evropy …, vol. 1. Moscow, 1947.
Istoriia diplomatii, vol. 1. Moscow, 1959.