St. Petersburg Alliance Treaty of 1812

St. Petersburg Alliance Treaty of 1812


an agreement between Russia and Sweden signed in April by the minister of foreign affairs Count N. P. Rumiantsev for Russia and Count Löwenhielm for Sweden.

In accordance with the treaty, Russia and Sweden mutually guaranteed the integrity of their possessions. To conduct operations against France and its allies, they agreed to disembark in northern Germany a corps of 40,000–50,000 men, of whom 15,000–20,000 would be Russians. Sweden renounced its claims to Finland, and Russia granted Sweden freedom of action with regard to Norway. In view of the threat of war against France, Sweden guaranteed the security of St. Petersburg and pledged to cover the right flank of the military theater in case Napoleon should invade Russia.


Polnoe sobranie zakonov, vol. 32. St. Petersburg, 1830. Number 25,054, page 242.