Wachusett Mountain State Reservation

Wachusett Mountain State Reservation

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Massachusetts
Location:In central Massachusetts; principal routes to the forest are via Rt 2 or Rt 190.
Facilities:Visitor center, picnic area (é), restrooms (é), trails, historic sites, scenic vistas (é).
Activities:Hiking, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, hunting (with restrictions), hawk watching, nature study.
Special Features:The reservation surrounds the summit of Mount Wachusett, from whichthere are views of Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire, the Berkshires tothe west, and the Boston skyline to the east. Wachusett Mountain ispart of an extensive greenway area and is also the location of thelargest known area of old growth forest east of the Connecticut Riverin Massachusetts, with trees dating over 350 years old.
Address:Mountain Rd
PO Box 248
Princeton, MA 01541

Web: www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/central/wach.htm
Size: 2,849 acres.

See other parks in Massachusetts.