SIISeiko Instruments, Inc.
SIIServicio de Impuestos Internos (Chile)
SIIStandards Institution of Israel
SIISilicon Image, Inc.
SIISistema Integral de Información (Spanish: Integrated Information System; Mexico)
SIIStrong Interest Inventory
SIISociété pour l'Informatique Industrielle (French: Society for Industrial Computers)
SIISilicon Image Inc.
SIIService Interval Indicator
SIISpatial Information Infrastructure
SIISecurities and Investment Institute (UK)
SIISecurities Industry Institute (executive development program)
SIISolvency II (insurance requirements)
SIISelf-Inflicted Injury
SIISystemic Infrastructure Initiative (Australia)
SIISíndrome de Intestino Irritable (Spanish: Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
SIISensory Integration International
SIISciences International, Inc. (now Tetra Tech Sciences; Virginia)
SIIStandards Institute of Israel
SIIScout II (truck model)
SIISuccessor In Interest
SIISocial Insurance Institution of Finland
SIISouthern Ionics Incorporated (West Point, MS)
SIIService Improvement Initiative (Canada)
SIISiilinjärvi (Finland)
SIISpecial Interest Item
SIIScott's Inspections Inc (San Antonio, TX)
SIISpace Industries, Inc.
SIIScalable Information Infrastructure
SIIStrategic Infrastructure Initiative
SIISpecial Investigative Inquiry
SIIStatement of Intelligence Interest
SIISelf Identified Issue (various organizations)
SIISociété Immobilière d'Investissement (French: Real Estate Investment Company)
SIISpecial Instructions Indicator
SIIStrengths, Improvements, and Insights
SIISystem Internal Interface
SIISecurity Investigation Index
SIIService Identity Index
SIISuitability Investigative Index
SIISouthern Industrial Institute, Inc.
SIISinclair Intimacy Institute
SIISoftware International Incorporated
SIISoldier Information Interface
SIISystems Interface Inc.
SIIStatic/Stub Invocation Interface (CORBA client-side API)
SIIStrategic Inventory Initiative
SIISponsor Identification Index
SIISemantic Information Integration (Digital Enterprise Research Institute; Ireland)