Acronym | Definition |
SII➣Seiko Instruments, Inc. |
SII➣Servicio de Impuestos Internos (Chile) |
SII➣Standards Institution of Israel |
SII➣Silicon Image, Inc. |
SII➣Sistema Integral de Información (Spanish: Integrated Information System; Mexico) |
SII➣Strong Interest Inventory |
SII➣Société pour l'Informatique Industrielle (French: Society for Industrial Computers) |
SII➣Silicon Image Inc. |
SII➣Service Interval Indicator |
SII➣Spatial Information Infrastructure |
SII➣Securities and Investment Institute (UK) |
SII➣Securities Industry Institute (executive development program) |
SII➣Solvency II (insurance requirements) |
SII➣Self-Inflicted Injury |
SII➣Systemic Infrastructure Initiative (Australia) |
SII➣Síndrome de Intestino Irritable (Spanish: Irritable Bowel Syndrome) |
SII➣Sensory Integration International |
SII➣Sciences International, Inc. (now Tetra Tech Sciences; Virginia) |
SII➣Standards Institute of Israel |
SII➣Scout II (truck model) |
SII➣Successor In Interest |
SII➣Social Insurance Institution of Finland |
SII➣Southern Ionics Incorporated (West Point, MS) |
SII➣Service Improvement Initiative (Canada) |
SII➣Siilinjärvi (Finland) |
SII➣Special Interest Item |
SII➣Scott's Inspections Inc (San Antonio, TX) |
SII➣Space Industries, Inc. |
SII➣Scalable Information Infrastructure |
SII➣Strategic Infrastructure Initiative |
SII➣Special Investigative Inquiry |
SII➣Statement of Intelligence Interest |
SII➣Self Identified Issue (various organizations) |
SII➣Société Immobilière d'Investissement (French: Real Estate Investment Company) |
SII➣Special Instructions Indicator |
SII➣Strengths, Improvements, and Insights |
SII➣System Internal Interface |
SII➣Security Investigation Index |
SII➣Service Identity Index |
SII➣Suitability Investigative Index |
SII➣Southern Industrial Institute, Inc. |
SII➣Sinclair Intimacy Institute |
SII➣Software International Incorporated |
SII➣Soldier Information Interface |
SII➣Systems Interface Inc. |
SII➣Static/Stub Invocation Interface (CORBA client-side API) |
SII➣Strategic Inventory Initiative |
SII➣Sponsor Identification Index |
SII➣Semantic Information Integration (Digital Enterprise Research Institute; Ireland) |