Sigurd Shmidt

Shmidt, Sigurd Ottovich


Born Apr. 15, 1922, in Moscow. Soviet historian. Doctor of historical sciences (1965). Member of the CPSU since 1947. Son of O. Iu. Shmidt.

S. O. Shmidt graduated from the department of history at Moscow University in 1944. He became chairman of the Ar-chaeographic Commission of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1968. He joined the staff of the Moscow Institute for Historian-Archivists in 1949 and became a professor in 1970. Shmidt’s principal works deal with historiography, archaeogra-phy, archive management, the sociopolitical history of Russian feudalism (particularly that of the 16th century), the history of culture, the study of historical sources, and methods of studying and teaching history.


Stanovlenie rossiiskogo samoderzhavstva: Issledovanie sotsial’no-politicheskoi istorii vremeni Ivana Groznogo. Moscow, 1973.