Schnitscher, Johann Christian
Schnitscher, Johann Christian
Dates of birth and death unknown.
Schnitscher, a Swede by nationality, was a captain in the Russian Army. In 1714 he accompanied the Chinese embassy into Kalmykia on its tour through Russia. Schnitscher’s records of the mission are a valuable source of information on the life, customs, and beliefs of the Kalmyks, as well as on Russo-Kalmyk and Russo-Chinese relations in the early 18th century.
Berăttelse om Ajuckinska Calmuckiet. . . . Stockholm, 1744.In Russian translation:
“Zapiska shvedskogo kapitana Ioanna Khristiana Shnichera, kotoryi byl u kitaiskikh poslannikov, byvshikh v 1714 godu u Aiuki khana v provozhatykh.” Ezhemesiachnye sochineniia i izvestiia o uchenykh delakh, 1764, no. 11.