

单词 revenge



to exact punishment for a wrong in a resentful spirit: She was determined to get revenge for the insulting remark. [Avenge and revenge were formerly interchangeable, but now they convey diverse ideas. Avenge means inflicting punishment as an act of retributive justice: to avenge a murder by bringing the criminal to trial. Revenge is now defined as inflicting pain to retaliate for real or fancied wrongs: He will revenge himself upon the man who libeled him.]
Not to be confused with:avenge – to exact satisfaction for; vindicate: He will avenge his partner’s death.


R0204000 (rĭ-vĕnj′)tr.v. re·venged, re·veng·ing, re·veng·es 1. To inflict punishment in return for (injury or insult).2. Archaic To seek or take vengeance for (oneself or another person); avenge.n.1. The act of taking vengeance for injuries or wrongs; retaliation: took revenge on her tormentors.2. A desire for revenge; spite or vindictiveness: He did it out of revenge.3. a. An opportunity to retaliate, as by a return sports match after a defeat: After the loss, he demanded that he be given his revenge.b. Something done in retaliation, especially a defeat of a rival who has been victorious.
[Middle English revengen, from Old French revengier : re-, re- + vengier, to take revenge (from Latin vindicāre, to avenge, from vindex, vindic-, avenger; see deik- in Indo-European roots).]
re·veng′er n.


(rɪˈvɛndʒ) n1. the act of retaliating for wrongs or injury received; vengeance2. something done as a means of vengeance3. the desire to take vengeance or retaliate4. (General Sporting Terms) a return match, regarded as a loser's opportunity to even the scorevb (tr) 5. to inflict equivalent injury or damage for (injury received); retaliate in return for6. to take vengeance for (oneself or another); avenge[C14: from Old French revenger, from Late Latin revindicāre, from re- + vindicāre to vindicate] reˈvengeless adj reˈvenger n reˈvenging adj reˈvengingly adv



v. -venged, -veng•ing,
n. v.t. 1. to exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, esp. in a vindictive spirit: to revenge a murdered brother. 2. to inflict pain or harm for; take vengeance for; avenge: to revenge a son's murder. n. 3. the act of revenging; retaliation for injuries or wrongs; vengeance. 4. something done in vengeance. 5. the desire to revenge; vindictiveness. 6. an opportunity to retaliate or gain satisfaction. [1350–1400; Middle English < Middle French, Old French revenger=re- re- + venger to avenge< Latin vindicāre] re•venge′less, adj. re•veng′er, n. re•veng′ing•ly, adv. syn: revenge, reprisal, retribution, vengeance suggest a punishment or injury inflicted in return for one received. revenge is the carrying out of a bitter desire to injure another for a wrong done to oneself or to those who are close to oneself: to plot revenge for a friend's betrayal. reprisal is used specifically in the context of warfare; it means retaliation against an enemy: The guerrillas expected reprisals for the raid. retribution usu. suggests deserved punishment for some evil done: a just retribution for wickedness. vengeance is usu. vindictive, furious revenge: He swore vengeance against his enemies.


, justice - Revenge is personal and justice is societal.See also related terms for justice.




  1. Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more a man’s nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out —Francis Bacon
  2. Revenge is like a boomerang. Although for a time it flies in the direction in which it is hurled, it takes a sudden curve, and, returning, hits your own head the heaviest blow of all —John M. Mason
  3. Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you —Austin O’Malley


Past participle: revenged
Gerund: revenging
I revenge
you revenge
he/she/it revenges
we revenge
you revenge
they revenge
I revenged
you revenged
he/she/it revenged
we revenged
you revenged
they revenged
Present Continuous
I am revenging
you are revenging
he/she/it is revenging
we are revenging
you are revenging
they are revenging
Present Perfect
I have revenged
you have revenged
he/she/it has revenged
we have revenged
you have revenged
they have revenged
Past Continuous
I was revenging
you were revenging
he/she/it was revenging
we were revenging
you were revenging
they were revenging
Past Perfect
I had revenged
you had revenged
he/she/it had revenged
we had revenged
you had revenged
they had revenged
I will revenge
you will revenge
he/she/it will revenge
we will revenge
you will revenge
they will revenge
Future Perfect
I will have revenged
you will have revenged
he/she/it will have revenged
we will have revenged
you will have revenged
they will have revenged
Future Continuous
I will be revenging
you will be revenging
he/she/it will be revenging
we will be revenging
you will be revenging
they will be revenging
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been revenging
you have been revenging
he/she/it has been revenging
we have been revenging
you have been revenging
they have been revenging
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been revenging
you will have been revenging
he/she/it will have been revenging
we will have been revenging
you will have been revenging
they will have been revenging
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been revenging
you had been revenging
he/she/it had been revenging
we had been revenging
you had been revenging
they had been revenging
I would revenge
you would revenge
he/she/it would revenge
we would revenge
you would revenge
they would revenge
Past Conditional
I would have revenged
you would have revenged
he/she/it would have revenged
we would have revenged
you would have revenged
they would have revenged
Noun1.revenge - action taken in return for an injury or offenserevenge - action taken in return for an injury or offenseretaliationgetting even, paying back, return - a reciprocal group action; "in return we gave them as good as we got"vengeance, payback, retribution - the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially in the next life; "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord"--Romans 12:19; "For vengeance I would do nothing. This nation is too great to look for mere revenge"--James Garfield; "he swore vengeance on the man who betrayed him"; "the swiftness of divine retribution"reprisal - a retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime
Verb1.revenge - take revenge for a perceived wrong; "He wants to avenge the murder of his brother"avenge, retaliateget back, get even - take revenge or even out a score; "I cannot accept the defeat--I want to get even"penalise, penalize, punish - impose a penalty on; inflict punishment on; "The students were penalized for showing up late for class"; "we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again"


noun1. retaliation, satisfaction, vengeance, reprisal, retribution, vindictiveness, an eye for an eye, requital in revenge for the murder of her loververb1. avenge, repay, vindicate, pay (someone) back, take revenge for, requite, even the score for, get your own back for (informal), make reprisal for, take an eye for an eye for The relatives wanted to revenge the dead man's murder.Quotations
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" Bible: Exodus
"Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out" [Francis Bacon Essays]
"Sweet is revenge - especially to women" [Lord Byron Don Juan]
"Revenge is a dish best served cold"
"Don't get mad, get even"
"Revenge is sweet"


noun1. The act of retaliating:counteraction, counterattack, counterblow, reciprocation, reprisal, requital, retaliation, retribution, tit for tat, vengeance.Idioms: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, like for like , measure for measure .2. The quality or condition of being vindictive:spite, spitefulness, vengefulness, vindictiveness.


(rəˈvendʒ) noun1. harm done to another person in return for harm which he has done (to oneself or to someone else). The man told the manager he would get/have his revenge / take revenge on the company for dismissing him; His revenge was to burn down the factory. 報復 报复2. the desire to do such harm. The man said he had burned down the factory out of revenge / in revenge for being dismissed. 報復心理 复仇心理 verb (with on) to get (one's) revenge. He revenged himself on his enemies; I'll soon be revenged on you all. 報仇 报仇




seek revenge (against/on someone or something)

To attempt or intend to retaliate (against someone else) for a wrong done to oneself. Tiffany is always gossiping about me, so I sought revenge on her by starting a nasty rumor about her relationship with one of our teachers. I see the growth of this extremist movement as largely being citizens seeking revenge against the established government, which they feel has betrayed or abandoned them. Seeking revenge will never give you a sense of peace or closure—you'll remain just as angry as before, and it will bring suffering to someone else along with you.See also: on, revenge, seek, someone

take revenge (against/on someone or something)

To retaliate (against someone else) for a wrong done to oneself; to seek or exact revenge (against someone). Tiffany is always gossiping about me, so I took revenge on her by starting a nasty rumor about her relationship with one of our teachers. I see the growth of this extremist movement as largely being citizens taking revenge against the established government, which they feel has betrayed or abandoned them. Taking revenge will never give you a sense of peace or closure—you'll remain just as angry as before, and it will bring suffering to someone else along with you.See also: on, revenge, someone, take

revenge (oneself) (up)on (someone or something)

To retaliate against another for a wrong done to oneself; to seek or exact revenge against someone. Tiffany is always gossiping about me, so I revenged myself on her by starting a nasty rumor about her relationship with one of our teachers. I see the growth of this extremist movement as largely being citizens revenging themselves upon the established government, which they feel has betrayed or abandoned them.See also: revenge

Revenge is a dish best eaten cold.

Revenge that takes place far in the future, after the offending party has forgotten how they wronged someone, is much more satisfying. I never forgot the way he bullied and humiliated me in high school, but I chose to bide my time. Ten years later, my global corporation bought his family's puny company and exploited it for everything it was worth, leaving him penniless. It's true what they say—revenge is a dish best eaten cold.See also: dish, eaten, revenge

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Revenge that takes place far in the future, after the offending party has forgotten how they wronged someone, is much more satisfying. I never forgot the way he bullied and humiliated me in high school, but I chose to bide my time. Ten years later, my global corporation bought his family's puny company exploited it for everything it was worth, leaving him penniless. It's true what they say—revenge is a dish best served cold.See also: dish, revenge, serve

Montezuma's revenge

slang Diarrhea, especially that which is contracted from food poisoning. Usually refers to tourists traveling in Mexico (Montezuma II was the emperor of Mexico in the beginning of the 1500s) who lack immunity to bacteria that can be transferred via food and local drinking water. The best way to avoid Montezuma's revenge is to drink bottled water.See also: revenge

revenge is sweet

Revenge is a potent source of satisfaction and pleasure. John had been bullying and humiliating us for the entire year, so a group of about 20 or so kids got together to peg him with dozens of rotten eggs at the senior prom. Revenge is sweet. Revenge was sweet for the team on Saturday, as they defeated their cross-town rivals for the first time in 10 years. He tormented me for being such a bookworm throughout high school. Now, I run a multi-billion-dollar company while he flips burgers at a fast food restaurant. Revenge is sweet, sometimes.See also: revenge, sweet

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Prov. It is very satisfying to get revenge a long time after the event for which you want revenge. I don't mind waiting to get revenge on Greg; I'll wait ten years if I have to. Revenge is a dish best served cold.See also: cold, dish, revenge, serve

Revenge is sweet.

Prov. It is very pleasurable to revenge yourself on someone. Jill: Remember when Tom left me for another woman? Well, she just left him, and he asked me out on a date. I told him I had better things to do. Jane: Revenge is sweet, huh?See also: revenge, sweet

revenge oneself (up)on someone or something

to retaliate against someone or something. (Upon is formal and less commonly used than on.) There is no need for you to revenge yourself upon Walter. It was an accident. She did not know how she would revenge herself on Joe, but she knew she would.See also: on, revenge

seek revenge

(against someone) Go to take revenge (against someone).See also: revenge, seek

take revenge (against someone)

 and seek revenge (against someone); get revenge against someone; take revenge (on someone) (for something)to get even with someone. Linda planned to take revenge against Ellen. I intend to take revenge on Paul for what he did. I will not seek revenge.See also: revenge, take

revenge is a dish best served (or eaten) cold

vengeance is often more satisfying if it is not exacted immediately. proverbSee also: cold, dish, revenge, serve

Montezuma’s revenge

(mɑntəˈzuməz rɪˈvɛndʒ) n. diarrhea; tourist diarrhea. (Refers to tourists in Mexico.) I had a little touch of Montezuma’s revenge the second day, but other than that we had a wonderful time. See also: revenge

Montezuma's revenge

Traveler’s diarrhea, contracted by travelers in Mexico but elsewhere as well. The expression alludes to Montezuma, the last Aztec emperor. and dates from the mid-1900s. Tennessee Williams used it in The Night of the Iguana, as have many other writers. Another name for the condition is Aztec two-step, but that has not become widespread.See also: revenge

revenge is sweet

Retaliation is wonderfully satisfying. Occasionally put as vengeance is sweet, this observation was made by the ancients, from Homer in the Iliad to Juvenal in his Satires. In English it was voiced by Ben Jonson, Shakespeare, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, and countless others. Here is a misogynist version by Byron (Don Juan, 1819–24): “Sweet is revenge—especially to women.”See also: revenge, sweet



a retaliatory or retributive social act. For French thinker Rene GIRARD the concept of revenge is central to the problem of violence. Focusing on the idea of the blood feud, he shows how the mechanics of vengeance are contained within the effects of MIMETIC DESIRE. After one actor commits a violent act, mimetic desire ensures that the second actor's response reflects the severity of the original action. As such, violence becomes a self-sustaining effect; a vicious circle Girard calls the skandalon or Satan. Girard's analysis of biblical scripture illustrates this critique of revenge. He argues against the vengeful Old Testament deity Yahweh, and the advice of ‘an eye for an eye’ and for the New Testament God of peace and forgiveness. For Girard, the importance of the New Testament God lay in the sacrificial offering of Christ. He argues that Christ represents the absolute scapegoat, the figure whose purity reminds the world of the evil nature of circular violence and revenge. See also ORDER/DISORDER


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Synonyms for revenge

noun retaliation


  • retaliation
  • satisfaction
  • vengeance
  • reprisal
  • retribution
  • vindictiveness
  • an eye for an eye
  • requital

verb avenge


  • avenge
  • repay
  • vindicate
  • pay (someone) back
  • take revenge for
  • requite
  • even the score for
  • get your own back for
  • make reprisal for
  • take an eye for an eye for

Synonyms for revenge

noun the act of retaliating


  • counteraction
  • counterattack
  • counterblow
  • reciprocation
  • reprisal
  • requital
  • retaliation
  • retribution
  • tit for tat
  • vengeance

noun the quality or condition of being vindictive


  • spite
  • spitefulness
  • vengefulness
  • vindictiveness

Synonyms for revenge

noun action taken in return for an injury or offense


  • retaliation

Related Words

  • getting even
  • paying back
  • return
  • vengeance
  • payback
  • retribution
  • reprisal

verb take revenge for a perceived wrong


  • avenge
  • retaliate

Related Words

  • get back
  • get even
  • penalise
  • penalize
  • punish




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