plasma cell myeloma


 [mi″ĕ-lo´mah] 1. a tumor composed of plasma cells of the type normally found in the bone marrow.2. multiple myeloma.giant cell myeloma giant cell tumor (def. 1).multiple myeloma see multiple myeloma.plasma cell myeloma multiple myeloma.solitary myeloma a variant of multiple myeloma in which there is a single localized tumor focus. Called also plasma cell tumor.

plas·ma cell my·e·lo·ma

1. Synonym(s): multiple myeloma2. plasmacytoma of bone, which is usually a solitary lesion and not associated with the occurrence of Bence Jones protein or other disturbances in the metabolism of protein (as observed in multiple myeloma). Some observers emphasize that the solitary lesion probably represents an early phase of classic multiple myeloma, or an example of the latter in which only one focus is recognized.

plas·ma cell my·e·lo·ma

(plazmă sel mīĕ-lōmă) 1. Synonym(s): multiple myeloma. 2. Plasmacytoma of bone, which is usually a solitary lesion and not associated with the occurrence of Bence Jones protein or other disturbances in the metabolism of protein (as observed in multiple myeloma).

plas·ma cell my·e·lo·ma

(plazmă sel mīĕ-lōmă) 1. Synonym(s): multiple myeloma. 2. Plasmacytoma of bone, which is usually a solitary lesion and not associated with the occurrence of Bence Jones protein or other disturbances in the metabolism of protein.

Patient discussion about plasma cell myeloma

Q. Multiple Myeloma what and how is it treated and what is MGUF A. Were you referring by any chance to MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance)? It's a condition that resembles myeloma but is much more widespread and by itself isn't considered malignant. It may, however, deteriorate to multiple myeloma over the years.
Myeloma is treated with chemotherapy of various kinds, and sometimes with bone marrow transplantation with the patients own bone marrow.
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