Vogl, Johann Nepomuk

Vogl, Johann Nepomuk


Born Feb. 7, 1802, in Vienna; died there Nov. 16, 1866. Austrian writer.

Vogl studied at Austrian and German universities. A representative of late Viennese romanticism, he wrote songs, many of which have become folksongs, as well as historical ballads and romances based on old tales and legends. He compiled several collections of folklore and published literary anthologies. He also published the folkloric work Twardowski, the Polish Faust (1861). His works of fiction, including Novellen (1838) and Grandmother’s Tales (1840), are filled with elements of folklore.


Ausgewählte Dichtungen. Leipzig, 1911.


Binder, R. Johann Nepomuk Vogl und die österreichische Ballade. Prague, 1907.