Plant Protection, Institute of

Plant Protection, Institute of


(full name, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection, VIZR), organized in Leningrad in 1929.

The institute has (1970) a Baltic Region branch, two all-Union scientific research stations (one for potato canker and one for phylloxera), a number of experiment stations (Voronezh, Azerbaijan, Far East, Minsk), two bases (Irkutsk, Kustanai), a parasite center (Lazarevskoe in Krasnodar Krai), two scientific research facilities (Slaviansk in Krasnodar Krai, Pushkin in Leningrad Oblast), and two experimental farms. The institute has 22 laboratories. It works on methods of protecting crops against pests, diseases, and weeds in the various zones of the country and on the theoretical basis and methods of forecasting the appearance, spread, and dynamics of development of crop pests and diseases. It studies new chemical agents and develops methods of using them to protect plants. The institute also develops methods of breeding varieties resistant to groups of diseases and pests. It has both regular and correspondence graduate courses. It publishes Trudy (Transactions, since 1943), Biulleteri (since 1961), methods instructions, and textbooks.