Plant Management
Plant Management
the economic and technical administrative machinery of an industrial enterprise. The plant management is headed by the director. The main task of plant management is preparing, developing, and substantiating the decisions of the director through collection and processing of information data. The structure of plant management depends basically on the size and the specific production type of the enterprise. The work of plant management employees is part of the general productive labor of the whole industrial and production staff.
The immediate task of the plant management is to assist the director in organizing the entire work force of the enterprise to produce high-quality output for the national economy within the production plan’s time limits, increase efficiency, create healthy and safe working conditions, and improve the worker’s conditions of daily life, including social and cultural services. The main subdivisions of plant management are the division of technological guidance, headed by the chief engineer; the division of economic management, headed by the chief economist; the division of production management, headed by the chief controller (production chief); and the subdivisions of external economic relations, headed by the deputy director for supply and marketing. The department in charge of training and extension courses, upgrading of staff qualifications, hiring and dismissals, and service facilities is headed by the assistant director in charge of personnel affairs and living conditions.
The complexity and size of contemporary enterprises increase the role of plant management and lead to increases in the number of staff. Improving the quality of management requires higher professional performance on the part of the staff, greater work effectiveness, and a progressive and optimal approach to all decisions that have to be worked out. In order to make the administrative work less labor-consuming, plant management is backed up by modern organizational and computer technology. Training and regular extension courses raise the qualifications of the staff employed by the plant management and lead to better organization of their work. To be efficient in its work, plant management requires continuous improvement of its structure and a fixed, standard limit on the number of employees.