schistosomiasis haematobium

schis·to·so·mi·a·sis hae·ma·to·bi·um

infection with Schistosoma haematobium, the eggs of which invade the urinary tract, causing cystitis and hematuria, and possibly an increased likelihood of bladder cancer. Synonym(s): bladder schistosomiasis, Egyptian hematuria, endemic hematuria, urinary schistosomiasis

schis·to·so·mi·a·sis hae·ma·to·bi·um

(skis'tō-sō-mī'ă-sis hē-mā-tō'bē-ŭm) Infection with Schistosoma haematobium, the eggs of which invade the urinary tract, causing cystitis and hematuria, and possibly an increased likelihood of bladder cancer.
Synonym(s): endemic hematuria.