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schistocormia schis·to·cor·mi·a (skis'tō-kōr'mē-ă), Congenital clefting of the trunk, the lower extremities of the fetus usually being imperfectly developed. Synonym(s): schistosomia [schisto- + G. kormos, trunk of a tree] schis·to·cor·mi·a (skis'tō-kōr'mē-ă) Congenital clefting of the trunk, the lower limbs of the fetus usually being imperfectly developed. Synonym(s): schistosomia. [schisto- + G. kormos, trunk of a tree]schistocormiaS03-838440 (skĭs″tō-kor′mē-ă) [″ + kormos, trunk] A fetus with a cleft trunk. |