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DictionarySeediplegiaspastic diplegia
spastic diplegia[′spas·tik dī′plē·jə] (medicine) Spastic paralysis of the arms and legs caused by diffuse lesions of the cerebral cortex. A form of cerebral palsy, possibly due to prenatal or perinatal hypoxia or other injuries resulting in atrophic lobar sclerosis, or to congenital or developmental abnormalities. spastic diplegia
spas·tic di·ple·gi·aa type of cerebral palsy in which there is bilateral spasticity, with the lower limbs more severely affected. Compare: flaccid paralysis. Synonym(s): Erb-Charcot disease (1) , infantile diplegia, spastic spinal paralysisspastic diplegia A feature of cerebral palsy, which affects both legs, often unequally, characterized by hip flexion and internal rotation, due to the overactivity of the iliopsoas, rectus femorus, hip adductors; knee extension, due to overactivity of hamstrings, especially medially, equinus deformity of foot with rearfoot eversion, due to overactivity of triceps surae and peronei. See Cerebral palsy. spastic diplegia SPASTIC PARALYSIS affecting both sides of the body equally, but usually affecting the legs more than the arms.Erb, Wilhelm Heinrich, German neurologist, 1840-1921. Duchenne-Erb paralysis - Synonym(s): Erb palsyDuchenne-Erb syndrome - Synonym(s): Erb palsyErb atrophy - a form of progressive muscular atrophy in which the disease begins in the muscle and not in the spinal centers. Synonym(s): progressive muscular dystrophyErb disease - progressive weakness and atrophy of the muscles of the tongue, lips, palate, pharynx, and larynx, most often caused by motor neuron disease. Synonym(s): progressive bulbar paralysisErb formula - the portion of the brachial plexus that can be stimulated through intact skin.Erb palsy - a type of brachial birth palsy in which there is paralysis of the muscles of the upper arm and shoulder girdle. Synonym(s): Duchenne-Erb paralysis; Duchenne-Erb syndrome; Erb-Duchenne paralysis; Erb paralysisErb paralysis - Synonym(s): Erb palsyErb sign - Synonym(s): Erb-Westphal signErb spinal paralysis - chronic myelitis of syphilitic origin.Erb-Charcot disease - a type of cerebral palsy. Synonym(s): spastic diplegia; spastic paraplegiaErb-Duchenne paralysis - Synonym(s): Erb palsyErb-Goldflam disease - Synonym(s): Goldflam diseaseErb-Westphal sign - abolition of the patellar tendon reflex in certain diseases of the spinal cord and occasionally in brain disease. Synonym(s): Erb sign; Westphal-Erb sign; Westphal phenomenon; Westphal signNievergelt-Erb syndrome - Synonym(s): Nievergelt syndromeWestphal-Erb sign - Synonym(s): Erb-Westphal sign
Little, William J., English surgeon, 1810-1894. Little disease - a type of cerebral palsy in which there is bilateral spasticity, with the lower extremities more severely affected. Synonym(s): spastic diplegiaspas·tic di·ple·gi·a (spastik dī-plējē-ă) Cerebral palsy with bilateral spasticity. Synonym(s): spastic spinal paralysis. |