Acronym | Definition |
WACC➣Weighted Average Cost of Capital |
WACC➣World Association for Christian Communication |
WACC➣Women against Cervical Cancer |
WACC➣Work Activities Coordination and Collaboration (workshop) |
WACC➣Whittier Area Community Church (Whittier, California) |
WACC➣World Altair Computer Convention (est. 1976) |
WACC➣Weapons and Ammunition Commodity Council (US DHS) |
WACC➣Wellington Acorn Computer Club (New Zealand) |
WACC➣Water, Air and Climate Change (British Columbia, Canada) |
WACC➣Williamsport Area Community College (now the Pennsylvania College of Technology; Williamsport, PA) |
WACC➣West Auckland Community Church (UK) |
WACC➣Waste Acceptance Criteria Committee |
WACC➣World Africa Chamber of Commerce |
WACC➣Warning & Caution Computer (aviation) |