plantar calcaneonavicular ligament

plan·tar cal·ca·ne·o·na·vic·u·lar lig·a·ment

[TA] a dense fibroelastic ligament that extends from the sustentaculum tali to the plantar surface of the navicular bone; it supports the head of the talus, actually forming part of the articular "socket" for the head of the talus. Synonym(s): ligamentum calcaneonaviculare plantare [TA], spring ligament ☆ , inferior calcaneonavicular ligament

plan·tar cal·ca·ne·o·na·vic·u·lar lig·a·ment

(plan'tahr kal-kā'nē-ō-nă-vik'yŭ-lăr lig'ă-mĕnt) [TA] A dense, fibroelastic ligament that extends from the sustentaculum tali to the plantar surface of the navicular bone; it supports the head of the talus.