Technological Preparation for Production

Technological Preparation for Production


the aggregate of methods for the organization, management, and solving of engineering problems by means of integrated standardization, automation, mathematical economic models, and technical equipment.

The Uniform System of Technological Preparation for Production (ESTPP) was introduced in machine building by Gosstandart (the USSR State Committee for Standards) for the period Jan. 1, 1975, to Jan. 1,1980. The ESTPP establishes for all enterprises a unified, systematic approach to the selection and use of methods and means of organizing the production process. Technological preparation for production is based on advances in the technology and organization of production and permits a significant raising of the technological level of production. Its application assumes the efficient use of interchangeable production modules and computer technology for the integrated and systematic solution of problems in production engineering.

ESTPP standards establish common rules for the organization and modeling of production control processes, stages in the development of technological documentation, the order of preparation for production and rules for and stages in the development of the technological effectiveness of a design, the selection of production lists, and rules for the classification of types of production processes. The system is based on state standards, specifically, the Uniform System of Design Documentation (ESKD) and the Uniform System of Technological Documentation (ESTD) and on the use of industry and plant standards. Industry and plant standards reflect the particular features of an industry or plant and elaborate specific ESTPP rules and circumstances. The ESTPP is also based on standard technical documentation and methods documentation.