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retroposition retrodeviation [ret″ro-de″ve-a´shun] any displacement backwards; the term includes retroversion, retroflexion, and other deviations. Called also retrodisplacement and retroposition.ret·ro·po·si·tion (ret'rō-pō-zish'ŭn), Simple backward displacement of a structure or organ, as the uterus, without inclination, bending, retroversion, or retroflexion. [retro- + L. positio, a placing] retroposition Gynecology Retroflexion, see there. ret·ro·po·si·tion (ret'rō-pŏ-zish'ŭn) Simple backward displacement of a structure or organ, such as the uterus, without inclination, bending, retroversion, or retroflexion. [retro- + L. positio, a placing] |