Uinta National Forest

Uinta National Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / National ForestsAddress:88 W 100 North
PO Box 1428
Provo, UT 84601

Web: www.fs.fed.us/r4/uinta
Size: Almost 1,000,000 acres.
Location:Central Utah. Accessible by US 40, 50, 89, and 189; UT 35. Nearby cities/towns include American Fork, Heber, Pleasant Grove, Nephi, Provo, and Spanish Fork.
Facilities:28 campgrounds, group camps, 7 picnic sites, trails, boat ramps, fishing piers (é).
Activities:Camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, rafting, berry picking, mountain biking, kayaking, cross-country and downhill skiing, snowmobiling, snow shoeing.
Special Features:Ranges from high desert to the mountain summits of Mount Nebo (11,877 feet) and Mount Timpanogos (11,750 feet). Points of interest include Cascade Springs, large springs which cascade down in a series of limestone terraces and pools; Devil's Kitchen Geological Area, featuring eroded sandstone formations; Strawberry Reservoir, one of Utah's premier fishing reservoirs with 17,164 surface acres. Forest surrounds Timpanogos Cave National Monument (see entry in national parks section).

See other parks in Utah.