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sigmoidorectostomy sigmoidoproctostomy [sig-moi″do-prok-tos´tah-me] (sigmoidorectostomy [sig-moi″do-rek-tos´tah-me]) surgical anastomosis of the sigmoid colon to the rectum.sig·moi·do·proc·tos·to·my (sig-moy'dō-prok-tos'tŏ-mē), Anastomosis between the sigmoid colon and the rectum. Synonym(s): sigmoidorectostomy [sigmoido- + G. prōktos, anus, + stoma, mouth] sig·moi·do·proc·tos·to·my (sig-moy'dō-prok-tos'tŏ-mē) Anastomosis between the sigmoid colon and the rectum. Synonym(s): sigmoidorectostomy. [sigmoido- + G. prōktos, anus, + stoma, mouth]sigmoidorectostomyS08-861000 (sig-moy?do-rek-tos'to-me) [? + L. rectus, straight, + Gr. stoma, mouth] Sigmoidoproctostomy. |