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vi·car·i·ous V0085600 (vī-kâr′ē-əs, vĭ-)adj.1. Experienced or felt by empathy with or imaginary participation in the life of another person: read about mountain climbing and experienced vicarious thrills.2. Endured or done by one person substituting for another: vicarious punishment.3. Committed or entrusted to another, as powers or authority; delegated.4. Physiology Occurring in or performed by a part of the body not normally associated with a certain function. [From Latin vicārius; see vicar.] vi·car′i·ous·ly adv.vi·car′i·ous·ness n.ThesaurusAdv. | 1. | vicariously - indirectly, as, by, or through a substitute; "she enjoyed the wedding vicariously" | TranslationsEncyclopediaSeevicarious |