

单词 planets



See also astrology; astronomy; cosmology; earth; mars; moon.
aphelionthe point in the orbit of a heavenly body where it is farthest from the sun. See also perihelion.apocynthionapolune.apogeethe farthest point in an orbit from the body being orbited.apolunethe farthest point from the moon in a lunar orbit, as that of a spacecraft. Also called apocynthion.areographythe study of the physical features of the planet Mars.celidographyArchaic. a description of the surface markings of the sun or a planet. — celidographer, n.exobiologythe branch of biology that studies life beyond the earth’s atmosphere, as on other planets. — exobiologist, n.meridianthe highest point a planet or other orbiting heavenly body reaches in its orbit. — meridian, meridional, adj.occultationthe process of one heavenly body disappearing behind another as viewed by an observer.pericynthionperilune.perigeethe closest point in an orbit to the body being orbited.perihelionthe point in the orbit of a heavenly body where it is nearest the sun. Also called perihelium. See also aphelion.periheliumperihelion.perilunethe closest point to the moon in a lunar orbit, as that of a spacecraft. Also called pericynthion.planetarium1. a representation of the planetary system, particularly one in which the movements of the planets are simulated by projectors.
2. a room or building housing such an apparatus.
planetoidAstronomy. any of thousands of small celestial bodies that revolve about the sun in orbits chiefly between those of Mars and Jupiter ranging in diameter from one mile to 480 miles. Also called asteroids, minor planets. — planetoidal, adj.zenographythe study and description of Jupiter. — zenographical, adj.


The eight major bodies, apart from Earth, which move around the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. It is an astrological convention to also include the Sun and the Moon when speaking of the planets, making ten astrological planets in all.



The seven planets and their corresponding days of the week. The zodiac signs over which they rule appear in black circles. From an English shepherd’s calendar, c. 1510. Reproduced by permission of Fortean Picture Library.


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Planets (from the Greek planasthai, meaning “to wander”) are the familiar celestial bodies orbiting the Sun. They were regarded as stars by the ancients, who referred to them as wanderers because, unlike the so-called fixed stars, the planets were always changing their positions with respect to the background of the celestial sphere. The Sun and the Moon (the luminaries) are also wanderers, and in traditional astrology were referred to as planets. Although they are no longer classified as such by astronomers, many contemporary astrologers still call the two luminaries planets.

Astrological influences manifest themselves primarily through the planets. These basic influences are modified by (1) the signs of the zodiac (i.e., the familiar 12 astrological signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.) in which the planets are placed, (2) the aspects (geometric angles) between the planets, and (3) the houses in which the planets are placed. An oversimplified but nonetheless useful rule of thumb is that planetary sign positions indicate personality tendencies, aspects between planets reflect how various components of one’s personality interact, and house positions show how the personality manifests in the world.

As an example, consider an individual with natal Mercury (i.e., Mercury’s position at birth) in Libra in the second house, with Mercury also trine (at a 120° angle) to Mars. In regard to personality, Mercury represents the mind, particularly the aspect of the thinking mind that deals with day-to-day affairs; this is considered the basic nature of Mercury.

Sign: Individuals born when Mercury was in Libra usually communicate in a refined way and have the ability to be highly diplomatic. It is also easy for them to see both sides of an issue, which can make them indecisive, swaying back and forth between the two alternatives.

Aspect: Mars represents the outgoing, assertive, aggressive energies. It also rules mechanical and other kinds of physical skills. Trine aspects often indicate where two influences blend together harmoniously. In this case, Mercury trine Mars shows, among other things, an individual who can tap her or his assertive energies in a positive manner and express them through powerful communications. This person also has a mind that can easily understand mechanical skills, or any other subject associated with Mars.

House: The second house is the house of earned income and personal possessions. Mercury here shows someone who can earn money with her or his communication skills. She or he also acquires possessions related to Mercury, such as books and other forms of communication media.

The planets have a special relationship with the signs of the zodiac whereby each planet is said to “rule” a certain sign (or signs). The relationship between the planets and the signs is one of kinship in their basic traits and associations. Prior to the discovery of Uranus, a general consensus about these relationships had endured since the time of Ptolemy. The traditional system held that the Sun ruled Leo, the Moon ruled Cancer, Mercury ruled Virgo and Gemini, Venus ruled Taurus and Libra, Mars ruled Aries and Scorpio, Jupiter ruled Sagittarius and Pisces, and Saturn ruled Capricorn and Aquarius. This is still the primary rulership system used in Hindu astrology. After the more recently discovered planets were studied, astrologers gradually came to assign Uranus to Aquarius, Neptune to Pisces, and Pluto to Scorpio, leaving Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars as the rulers of Capricorn, Sagittarius, and Aries. Only Mercury and Venus are still viewed as ruling two signs each.

The planets are classified in various ways, such as according to whether they are inferior (circle the Sun within Earth’s orbit) or superior (circle outside the terrestrial orbit), exert benefic (“good”) or malefic (“bad”) astrological influences, and so forth. (See the individual entries on the planets for more information.)


Campion, Nicholas. The Practical Astrologer. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1987.DeVore, Nicholas. Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York: Philosophical Library, 1949.McEvers, Joan. Planets: The Astrological Tools. Saint Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1989.




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