Acronym | Definition |
SCG➣State Commission on Gambling (various locations) |
SCG➣Sydney Cricket Ground |
SCG➣Srbija I Crna Gora (Servian: Serbia and Montenegro) |
SCG➣Serbia and Montenegro |
SCG➣Symposium on Computational Geometry |
SCG➣superior cervical ganglion |
SCG➣Sport Computer Graphics (Netherlands) |
SCG➣Security Classification Guide |
SCG➣Saban Capital Group, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA; est. 2001) |
SCG➣Slow Crack Growth |
SCG➣Survey and Certification Group (Medicare) |
SCG➣Strategic Coordinating Group (UK) |
SCG➣Service Control Gateway (telecommunications) |
SCG➣Small Community Grant (various locations) |
SCG➣Save Concorde Group (UK) |
SCG➣South Coast Gas (est. 1945; Raceland, LA) |
SCG➣State Class Graph (engineering) |
SCG➣Surf City Garage (Huntington Beach, CA) |
SCG➣Starcraft Ghost (game) |
SCG➣Scots Gaelic (linguistics) |
SCG➣Summit Consulting Group (various locations) |
SCG➣Service Canadien des Glaces (Canadian Ice Service) |
SCG➣Standard Classification of Goods (Canadian codes for commerce) |
SCG➣Screen Cartoonists Guild |
SCG➣Science Coordination Group |
SCG➣Super Continuum Generation (optical fiber) |
SCG➣Synchronous Clock Generator |
SCG➣Science Coordinating Group |
SCG➣Switching Controller Group |
SCG➣Society of the Classic Guitar |
SCG➣Schweizerischer Chiropraktoren-Gesellschaft (German: Swiss Chiropractors' Society; Switzerland) |
SCG➣Syndication Cuts Guide (The Simpson's cartoon) |
SCG➣Solar Concentrator Group |
SCG➣Standards Coordination Group |
SCG➣Society of Craniofacial Genetics (since 1975) |
SCG➣Switch Control Group |
SCG➣Static Cost Greedy Algorithm |
SCG➣Selective Coronarography |
SCG➣State Cemetery Grant (US VA) |
SCG➣Schützen Corps Gesellschaft (German shooting club) |
SCG➣Sub-Channel Grouping |
SCG➣Saudi Coast Guard |
SCG➣System Clock Generation (Nortel) |
SCG➣Standard Chatered Grindlays |