

1. noun, slang A con or swindle; a fraudulent deception. Primarily heard in UK. If a deal sounds too good to be true, it's probably a swizzle, mate.2. noun, slang To con, swindle, or cheat (someone). Primarily heard in UK. I'm pretty sure the repairman was swizzling me, but what was I going to do—tell him not to fix the boiler?


1. slang Drunk. I'll come with you for a beer or two, but I have no interest in getting swizzled tonight.2. slang Cheated, swindled, or duped. Primarily heard in UK. Poor Tommy's always getting swizzled whenever he tries to sell his wares at the market. I felt a little swizzled by the overpriced drinks, but other than that, we had a lovely evening.See also: swizzle


(ˈswɪzlæd) mod. alcohol intoxicated. Fred went out and got himself swizzled. See also: swizzle