

单词 spare



S0605000 (spâr)tr.v. spared, spar·ing, spares 1. a. To refrain from harming, injuring, destroying, or killing: The general spared the city from a bombardment.b. To leave undamaged or unharmed: The oldest trees in the forest were spared from the fire.c. To refrain from denouncing or distressing; treat leniently or with consideration: The teacher spared the student's feelings by not criticizing her.d. To allow (someone) to avoid experiencing or doing (something): spared myself the trouble of going to the store.2. a. To hold back from; withhold or avoid: spared no expense for the celebration.b. To use or supply with restraint: Don't spare the mustard.3. To give or grant out of one's resources; afford: Can you spare ten minutes?adj. spar·er, spar·est 1. a. Kept in reserve: spare parts.b. Being in excess of what is needed; extra: spare cash.c. Free for other use; unoccupied: spare time.2. a. Not lavish, abundant, or excessive; meager: a spare breakfast.b. Lean and trim: a runner with a spare figure.c. Not elaborate or ornate; simple: a writer's spare style.n.1. A replacement, especially a tire, reserved for future need.2. Sports a. The act of knocking down all ten pins with two successive rolls of a bowling ball.b. The score so made.Idiom: to spare In addition to what is needed: We paid our bills and had money to spare.
[Middle English sparen, from Old English sparian.]
spare′ly adv.spare′ness n.spar′er n.


(spɛə) vb1. (tr) to refrain from killing, punishing, harming, or injuring2. (tr) to release or relieve, as from pain, suffering, etc3. (tr) to refrain from using: spare the rod, spoil the child. 4. (tr) to be able to afford or give: I can't spare the time. 5. (usually passive) (esp of Providence) to allow to survive: I'll see you again next year if we are spared. 6. (intr) rare to act or live frugally7. (intr) rare to show mercy8. not spare oneself to exert oneself to the full9. to spare more than is required: two minutes to spare. adj10. (often immediately postpositive) in excess of what is needed; additional: are there any seats spare?. 11. able to be used when needed: a spare part. 12. (of a person) thin and lean13. scanty or meagre14. (postpositive) slang Brit upset, angry, or distracted (esp in the phrase go spare)n15. a duplicate kept as a replacement in case of damage or loss16. (Automotive Engineering) a spare tyre17. (Bowls & Bowling) tenpin bowling a. the act of knocking down all the pins with the two bowls of a single frameb. the score thus made. Compare strike40[Old English sparian to refrain from injuring; related to Old Norse spara, Old High German sparōn] ˈsparely adv ˈspareness n ˈsparer n



v. spared, spar•ing, v.t. 1. to refrain from harming, punishing, or killing. 2. to deal gently or leniently with: His harsh review spared no one. 3. to save, as from strain or discomfort: to spare you needless embarrassment. 4. to omit or withhold: Spare the gory details. 5. to refrain from employing: to spare the rod. 6. to give or lend, as from a supply, esp. without inconvenience: Can you spare a cup of sugar? 7. to set aside for a particular purpose. 8. to use or give frugally: Don't spare the whipped cream! v.i. 9. to use economy; be frugal. 10. to refrain from inflicting injury or punishment; exercise lenience or mercy. adj. 11. kept in reserve, as for possible use: a spare part. 12. being in excess of present need; free for other use: a spare bedroom. 13. not taken up with work or other commitments; free: spare time. 14. frugally restricted or meager: a spare diet. 15. lean or thin, as a person. 16. sparing, economical, or temperate. n. 17. a spare thing or part, as an extra tire for emergency use. 18. a. the knocking down of all the bowling pins with two bowls. b. a score so made. Compare strike (def. 56). Idioms: to spare, remaining; left over: We finished early, with time to spare. [before 900; (v.) Middle English; Old English sparian, c. Old Frisian sparia, Old Saxon, Old High German sparōn, Old Norse spara] spare′a•ble, adj. spare′ly, adv. spare′ness, n. spar′er, n.


An individual part, subassembly or assembly supplied for the maintenance or repair of systems or equipment.


Past participle: spared
Gerund: sparing
I spare
you spare
he/she/it spares
we spare
you spare
they spare
I spared
you spared
he/she/it spared
we spared
you spared
they spared
Present Continuous
I am sparing
you are sparing
he/she/it is sparing
we are sparing
you are sparing
they are sparing
Present Perfect
I have spared
you have spared
he/she/it has spared
we have spared
you have spared
they have spared
Past Continuous
I was sparing
you were sparing
he/she/it was sparing
we were sparing
you were sparing
they were sparing
Past Perfect
I had spared
you had spared
he/she/it had spared
we had spared
you had spared
they had spared
I will spare
you will spare
he/she/it will spare
we will spare
you will spare
they will spare
Future Perfect
I will have spared
you will have spared
he/she/it will have spared
we will have spared
you will have spared
they will have spared
Future Continuous
I will be sparing
you will be sparing
he/she/it will be sparing
we will be sparing
you will be sparing
they will be sparing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been sparing
you have been sparing
he/she/it has been sparing
we have been sparing
you have been sparing
they have been sparing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been sparing
you will have been sparing
he/she/it will have been sparing
we will have been sparing
you will have been sparing
they will have been sparing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been sparing
you had been sparing
he/she/it had been sparing
we had been sparing
you had been sparing
they had been sparing
I would spare
you would spare
he/she/it would spare
we would spare
you would spare
they would spare
Past Conditional
I would have spared
you would have spared
he/she/it would have spared
we would have spared
you would have spared
they would have spared
Noun1.spare - an extra component of a machine or other apparatusspare - an extra component of a machine or other apparatusspare partconstituent, element, component - an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system; "spare components for cars"; "a component or constituent element of a system"
2.spare - an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehiclefifth wheelcar wheel - a wheel that has a tire and rim and hubcap; used to propel the car
3.spare - a score in tenpins; knocking down all ten after rolling two ballsscore - the act of scoring in a game or sport; "the winning score came with less than a minute left to play"
Verb1.spare - refrain from harmingsavefavour, favor - treat gently or carefullyrefrain, forbear - resist doing something; "He refrained from hitting him back"; "she could not forbear weeping"
2.spare - save or relieve from an experience or action; "I'll spare you from having to apologize formally"exempt, relieve, free - grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to; "She exempted me from the exam"
3.spare - give up what is not strictly needed; "he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey"dispense with, part with, give upgive - transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody; "I gave her my money"; "can you give me lessons?"; "She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care"
4.spare - use frugally or carefullyexpend, use - use up, consume fully; "The legislature expended its time on school questions"
Adj.1.spare - thin and fitspare - thin and fit; "the spare figure of a marathon runner"; "a body kept trim by exercise"trimlean, thin - lacking excess flesh; "you can't be too rich or too thin"; "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"-Shakespeare
2.spare - more than is needed, desired, or required; "trying to lose excess weight"; "found some extra change lying on the dresser"; "yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant"; "skills made redundant by technological advance"; "sleeping in the spare room"; "supernumerary ornamentation"; "it was supererogatory of her to gloat"; "delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words"; "extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts"; "surplus cheese distributed to the needy"excess, extra, redundant, supererogatory, supernumerary, surplus, superfluousunnecessary, unneeded - not necessary
3.spare - not taken up by scheduled activities; "a free hour between classes"; "spare time on my hands"freeunoccupied - not held or filled or in use; "an unoccupied telephone booth"; "unoccupied hours"
4.spare - kept in reserve especially for emergency use; "a reserve supply of food"; "a spare tire"; "spare parts"unnecessary, unneeded - not necessary
5.spare - lacking in amplitude or quantityspare - lacking in amplitude or quantity; "a bare livelihood"; "a scanty harvest"; "a spare diet"scanty, baremeager, meagerly, meagre, scrimpy, stingy - deficient in amount or quality or extent; "meager resources"; "meager fare"
6.spare - lacking embellishment or ornamentationspare - lacking embellishment or ornamentation; "a plain hair style"; "unembellished white walls"; "functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete"unembellished, unornamented, plain, bareunadorned, undecorated - not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction


adjective1. back-up, reserve, second, extra, relief, emergency, additional, substitute, fall-back, auxiliary, in reserve He could have taken a spare key.2. extra, surplus, leftover, over, free, odd, unwanted, in excess, unused, superfluous, going begging, supernumerary They don't have a lot of spare cash.
extra needed, necessary, spoken for, allocated, designated, set aside, in use, earmarked
3. free, leisure, unoccupied, own In her spare time she raises funds for charity.4. thin, lean, slim, slender, slight, meagre, gaunt, wiry, lank, macilent (rare) She was thin and spare, with a shapely intelligent face.
thin heavy, fat, plump, large, generous, fleshy, flabby, corpulent
5. meagre, sparing, modest, economical, frugal, scanty The two rooms were spare and neat, stripped bare of ornaments.
verb1. afford, give, grant, do without, relinquish, part with, allow, bestow, dispense with, manage without, let someone have He suggested that his country could not spare the troops.2. have mercy on, pardon, have pity on, leave, release, excuse, let off (informal), not harm, go easy on (informal), leave unharmed, be merciful to, grant pardon to, deal leniently with, leave uninjured, refrain from hurting, save (from harm) Not a man was spared.
have mercy on show no mercy to, condemn, punish, destroy, hurt, damn, afflict
go spare (Brit. slang) become angry, become upset, go mental (slang), become distracted, become enraged, become mad (informal), go up the wall (slang), become distraught, blow your top (informal), be or get pissed (off) (taboo slang), do your nut (Brit. slang), have or throw a fit (informal) She went spare when we told her what had happened.


verb1. To treat with inordinate gentleness and care:favor.Idiom: handle with kid gloves.2. To free from an obligation or duty:absolve, discharge, dispense, excuse, exempt, let off, relieve.3. To use without wasting:conserve, economize, save.adjective1. Being more than is needed, desired, or appropriate:de trop, excess, extra, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus.2. Conspicuously deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent:exiguous, meager, poor, puny, scant, scanty, skimpy, sparse, stingy, thin.Slang: measly.3. Having little flesh or fat on the body:angular, bony, fleshless, gaunt, lank, lanky, lean, meager, rawboned, scrawny, skinny, slender, slim, thin, twiggy, weedy.Idioms: all skin and bones, thin as a rail.4. Characterized by an economy of artistic expression:lean, tight.


(speə) verb1. to manage without. No-one can be spared from this office. 可有可無 用不着,省掉 2. to afford or set aside for a purpose. I can't spare the time for a holiday. 撥出,騰出 匀出,腾出 3. to treat with mercy; to avoid injuring etc. `Spare us!' they begged. 饒恕,赦免 饶恕,赦免,宽容 4. to avoid causing grief, trouble etc to (a person). Break the news gently in order to spare her as much as possible. 不讓人難過,不帶給人麻煩 不使难过5. to avoid using, spending etc. He spared no expense in his desire to help us. 節省 节省6. to avoid troubling (a person with something); to save (a person trouble etc). I answered the letter myself in order to spare you the bother. 不打擾,省卻麻煩 不打扰 adjective1. extra; not actually being used. We haven't a spare (bed) room for guests in our house. 多餘的 多余的2. (of time etc) free for leisure etc. What do you do in your spare time? 空閒的 空闲的 noun1. a spare part (for a car etc). They sell spares at that garage. 備件 备件2. an extra wheel etc, kept for emergencies. 備胎 备用轮胎ˈsparing adjective careful or economical. 節約的 节约的ˈsparingly adverb 愛惜地,節儉地,保守地 爱惜地,节俭地,保守地 spare part a part for a machine etc, used to replace an identical part if it breaks etc. 備件 备件spare rib a rib of pork with only a small amount of meat left on it. 豬肋骨 排骨(and) to spare in greater supply or quantity than is needed; extra. I'll go to an exhibition if I have time to spare; I have enough food and to spare. 剩餘,多餘 过剩,有余


备用的zhCN, 宽容zhCN
  • Is there any spare bedding? → 有备用床铺吗?


spare (one) (something)

To not force one to listen to or engage in something, especially that which is tedious, dull, or unpleasant. I can see that you understand what you did wrong, so I'll spare you a lecture about it. Spare us the lurid details, James.See also: spare

spare someone something

to exempt someone from having to listen to or experience something. I'll spare you the details and get to the point. Please, spare me the story and tell me what you want.
  • a spare prick at a wedding
  • a spare tyre
  • and (something) to spare
  • and to spare
  • be going spare
  • be like a spare prick at a wedding
  • don't spare the horses
  • enough and some to spare
  • go spare
  • have (something) to spare
  • have to spare
  • home, James(, and don't spare the horses)
  • in (one's) spare time
  • in spare time
  • like a spare prick at a wedding
  • no expense is spared
  • not a moment to spare
  • save (one's) blushes
  • save/spare somebody's blushes
  • spare
  • spare (one) (something)
  • spare (one's) feelings
  • spare (someone's) blushes
  • spare at the spigot and spill at the bung
  • Spare me!
  • spare no effort to (do something)
  • spare no expense
  • spare no expense/pains/trouble doing something
  • spare somebody's feelings
  • spare someone's blushes
  • spare the rod and spoil the child
  • spare tire
  • spare tyre
  • to spare
  • with (something) to spare
  • with time to spare
  • without a moment to spare



1. a spare tyre 2. Tenpin bowlinga. the act of knocking down all the pins with the two bowls of a single frame b. the score thus made


SPAREStrategic Partnership for Agricultural Research and Education (Board for International Food and Agricultural Development)
SPARESociety for the Protection of Animal Rights in Egypt
SPARESchool Project for Application of Resources and Energy (Rivne, Ukraine; UN Development Programme)
SPARESystem for Projecting Ammunition Repairable End Items


Related to spare: Spare parts, Hot spare
  • all
  • adj
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for spare

adj back-up


  • back-up
  • reserve
  • second
  • extra
  • relief
  • emergency
  • additional
  • substitute
  • fall-back
  • auxiliary
  • in reserve

adj extra


  • extra
  • surplus
  • leftover
  • over
  • free
  • odd
  • unwanted
  • in excess
  • unused
  • superfluous
  • going begging
  • supernumerary


  • needed
  • necessary
  • spoken for
  • allocated
  • designated
  • set aside
  • in use
  • earmarked

adj free


  • free
  • leisure
  • unoccupied
  • own

adj thin


  • thin
  • lean
  • slim
  • slender
  • slight
  • meagre
  • gaunt
  • wiry
  • lank
  • macilent


  • heavy
  • fat
  • plump
  • large
  • generous
  • fleshy
  • flabby
  • corpulent

adj meagre


  • meagre
  • sparing
  • modest
  • economical
  • frugal
  • scanty

verb afford


  • afford
  • give
  • grant
  • do without
  • relinquish
  • part with
  • allow
  • bestow
  • dispense with
  • manage without
  • let someone have

verb have mercy on


  • have mercy on
  • pardon
  • have pity on
  • leave
  • release
  • excuse
  • let off
  • not harm
  • go easy on
  • leave unharmed
  • be merciful to
  • grant pardon to
  • deal leniently with
  • leave uninjured
  • refrain from hurting
  • save (from harm)


  • show no mercy to
  • condemn
  • punish
  • destroy
  • hurt
  • damn
  • afflict

phrase go spare


  • become angry
  • become upset
  • go mental
  • become distracted
  • become enraged
  • become mad
  • go up the wall
  • become distraught
  • blow your top
  • be or get pissed (off)
  • do your nut
  • have or throw a fit

Synonyms for spare

verb to treat with inordinate gentleness and care


  • favor

verb to free from an obligation or duty


  • absolve
  • discharge
  • dispense
  • excuse
  • exempt
  • let off
  • relieve

verb to use without wasting


  • conserve
  • economize
  • save

adj being more than is needed, desired, or appropriate


  • de trop
  • excess
  • extra
  • supererogatory
  • superfluous
  • supernumerary
  • surplus

adj conspicuously deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent


  • exiguous
  • meager
  • poor
  • puny
  • scant
  • scanty
  • skimpy
  • sparse
  • stingy
  • thin
  • measly

adj having little flesh or fat on the body


  • angular
  • bony
  • fleshless
  • gaunt
  • lank
  • lanky
  • lean
  • meager
  • rawboned
  • scrawny
  • skinny
  • slender
  • slim
  • thin
  • twiggy
  • weedy

adj characterized by an economy of artistic expression


  • lean
  • tight

Synonyms for spare

noun an extra component of a machine or other apparatus


  • spare part

Related Words

  • constituent
  • element
  • component

noun an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle


  • fifth wheel

Related Words

  • car wheel

noun a score in tenpins

Related Words

  • score

verb refrain from harming


  • save

Related Words

  • favour
  • favor
  • refrain
  • forbear

verb save or relieve from an experience or action

Related Words

  • exempt
  • relieve
  • free

verb give up what is not strictly needed


  • dispense with
  • part with
  • give up

Related Words

  • give

verb use frugally or carefully

Related Words

  • expend
  • use

adj thin and fit


  • trim

Related Words

  • lean
  • thin

adj more than is needed, desired, or required


  • excess
  • extra
  • redundant
  • supererogatory
  • supernumerary
  • surplus
  • superfluous

Related Words

  • unnecessary
  • unneeded

adj not taken up by scheduled activities


  • free

Related Words

  • unoccupied

adj kept in reserve especially for emergency use

Related Words

  • unnecessary
  • unneeded

adj lacking in amplitude or quantity


  • scanty
  • bare

Related Words

  • meager
  • meagerly
  • meagre
  • scrimpy
  • stingy

adj lacking embellishment or ornamentation


  • unembellished
  • unornamented
  • plain
  • bare

Related Words

  • unadorned
  • undecorated




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