

V0144600 (vŏl′ən-tĕr′ē-ĭz′əm)n. Reliance on voluntary contributions rather than government funds, as for churches or schools; voluntarism.
vol′un·tar′y·ist n.


(ˈvɒləntərɪˌɪzəm; -trɪ-) or


n1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the principle of supporting churches, schools, and various other institutions by voluntary contributions rather than with state funds2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any system based on this principle ˈvoluntaryist, ˈvoluntarist n


(ˈvɒl ən təˌrɪz əm)

n. 1. any theory that regards will as the fundamental agency or principle, in metaphysics, epistemology, or psychology. 2. the principle or practice of supporting schools, hospitals, churches, etc., by voluntary contributions or aid instead of relying on government assistance. 3. any policy based on voluntary action. [1830–40] vol′un•ta•rist, n., adj. vol`un•ta•ris′tic, adj.