

单词 vinyl chloride

vinyl chloride

vinyl chloride

n. A toxic and carcinogenic colorless flammable gas, C2H3Cl, having a sweet odor and used as a monomer for polyvinyl chloride.

vinyl chloride

n (Elements & Compounds) a colourless flammable gaseous unsaturated compound made by the chlorination of ethylene and used as a refrigerant and in the manufacture of PVC; chloroethylene; chloroethene. Formula: CH:CHCl

vi′nyl chlo′ride

n. a colorless gas, C2H3Cl, used in making plastics and polyvinyl chloride and as a refrigerant. [1935–40]

Vinyl Chloride

vinyl chloride

[′vīn·əl ′klȯr‚īd] (organic chemistry) CH2:CHCl A flammable, explosive gas with an ethereal aroma; soluble in alcohol and ether, slightly soluble in water; boils at -14°C; an important monomer for polyvinyl chloride and its copolymers; used in organic synthesis and in adhesives. Also known as chloroethene; chloroethylene.

Vinyl Chloride


(CH2=CHC1), a colorless gas with a slight odor resembling that of chloroform; Tb = - 13.8° C; Tm = -153.8° C. Density at -15° C, 0.9730 g/cm3. It is poorly soluble in water but readily soluble in organic solvents. The explosive limit of vinyl chloride in air is 4-22 percent by volume. The double bond in vinyl chloride readily adds halogens, hydrogen halides, and so on:

Vinyl chloride polymerizes and copolymerizes with vinylidene chloride, vinyl acetate, and other substances. In industry it is obtained by vapor-phase (rarely liquid-phase) hydrochlorination of acetylene in the presence of HgCl2 on carbon or by dehydrochlorination of dichloroethane:

The resultant product contains not less than 99 percent vinyl chloride and does not polymerize spontaneously. Vinyl chloride is used extensively to make polyvinyl chloride and copolymers with other vinyl compounds; these are important materials that are used in the most diverse branches of industry.

vinyl chloride

vi·nyl chlo·ride

a substance used in the plastics industry and suspected of being a potent carcinogen in humans. Synonym(s): chloroethylene

vinyl chloride

 Toxicology A monomer that polymerizes to polyvinyl chloride–PVC, which is used in organic chemistry and manufacturing plastics Adverse effects VC is carcinogenic and carries a risk of liver, brain, lung CA, lymphoma, leukemia. See PVC–polyvinyl chloride.

vinyl chloride

CH2=CHCl, a vinyl radical attached to a chlorine atom. It is used commercially to make pipes, tubing, and plastic resin. Some people exposed to vinyl chloride develop hepatic angiosarcoma. CAS # 75-01-4See also: vinyl
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