tuboendometrioid metaplasia

tuboendometrioid metaplasia

A histologic change which may be confused with cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia (CGIN), in which endocervical crypts are lined with tubal or endometrial-type epithelium. The cells may be ciliated, secretory or inactive, and hyperchromatic with a high N:C ratio (thereby simulating CGIN) and have basally distributed T cells. The glands may branch and extend into the outer third of the cervical wall, display mitotic activity and have scattered apoptotic bodies; cell polarity is preserved in tuboendometrioid metaplaisia and MIB-1 (Ki-67) labelling index is low. Atypical tubal metaplasia may make differentiating this condition from CGIN or well-differentiated adenocarcinoma difficult-to-impossible.