Arabi Pasha, Ahmad

Arabi Pasha, Ahmad


Born 1839 (according to some sources, 1840 or 1841); died Sept. 21, 1911, in Cairo. A leader of the national liberation movement of the Egyptian people.

As a colonel in the army, Arabi Pasha took part in the patriotic movement, particularly in the action taken by Egyptian officers in 1879. In September 1881 he led the revolt of the Cairo garrison under the slogan of “Egypt for the Egyptians.” The revolt brought about the creation of an Egyptian national government, in which Arabi Pasha assumed the post of minister of war. From July through September 1882 he led the struggle of the Egyptian people against the British interventionists. After Egypt’s defeat in December 1882, Arabi Pasha was sentenced to death by the British authorities, but this was commuted to exile for life to Ceylon. He was pardoned in May 1901 and returned to Egypt.


Rotshtein, F. A. Zakhvat i zakabalenie Egipta, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1959.
Kil’berg, Kh. I. Vosstanie Arabi-pashi v Egipte. Moscow-Leningrad, 1937.
Lutskii, V. B. Novaia istoriia arabskikh strait, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1966. Chapters 16, 17.
Al-Rafiy, A. Al-za’im Ahmad Arabi (The Leader Ahmad Arabi). Cairo, 1961.
Rowlatt, M. Founders of Modern Egypt. London, 1962.
Rathmann, L. Neue Aspekte des Arabi-Aufstandes 1879 bis 1882 in Ägypten. Berlin, 1968.