

单词 plain



simple; clearly evident; unpretentious; unadorned: plain truth
Not to be confused with:plane – a carpenter’s tool; to smooth: plane the wood; to travel by airplane


P0345300 (plān)adj. plain·er, plain·est 1. Free from obstructions; open; clear: in plain view.2. Obvious to the perception or mind; evident: make one's intention plain. See Synonyms at apparent.3. a. Not elaborate or complicated; simple: plain food.b. Marked by little or no ornamentation or decoration: plain garb.c. Straightforward; frank or candid: plain talk.d. Not pretentious; unaffected.e. Lacking beauty or distinction: a plain face.4. Not mixed with other substances; pure: plain water.5. Common in rank or station; average; ordinary: a plain man.6. Not dyed, twilled, or patterned: a plain fabric.7. Sheer; utter; unqualified: plain stupidity.8. Archaic Having no visible elevation or depression; flat; level.n.1. a. often plains An extensive, level, usually treeless area of land.b. A broad level expanse, as a part of the sea floor or a lunar mare.2. Something free of ornamentation or extraneous matter.adv. Informal Clearly; simply: plain stubborn.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin plānus; see pelə- in Indo-European roots.]
plain′ly adv.plain′ness n.Synonyms: plain, modest, simple, unpretentious
These adjectives mean not ornate, ostentatious, or showy: a plain hairstyle; a modest cottage; a simple dark suit; an unpretentious country church.Antonym: ornate


(pleɪn) adj1. flat or smooth; level2. not complicated; clear: the plain truth. 3. not difficult; simple or easy: a plain task. 4. honest or straightforward5. lowly, esp in social rank or education6. without adornment or show: a plain coat. 7. (Textiles) (of fabric) without pattern or of simple untwilled weave8. not attractive9. not mixed; simple: plain vodka. 10. (Knitting & Sewing) knitting of or done in plainn11. (Physical Geography) a level or almost level tract of country, esp an extensive treeless region12. (Knitting & Sewing) a simple stitch in knitting made by putting the right needle into a loop on the left needle, passing the wool round the right needle, and pulling it through the loop, thus forming a new loop13. (Billiards & Snooker) (in billiards)a. the unmarked white ball, as distinguished from the spot ballsb. the player using this ball14. (Brewing) (in Ireland) short for plain porter, a light porter: two pints of plain, please. adv(intensifier): just plain tired. [C13: from Old French: simple, from Latin plānus level, distinct, clear] ˈplainly adv ˈplainness n


(pleɪn) vb a dialect or poetic word for complain[C14 pleignen, from Old French plaindre to lament, from Latin plangere to beat]



adj. -er, -est,
adv., n. adj. 1. clear or distinct to the eye or ear: in plain view. 2. clear to the mind; evident: to make one's meaning plain. 3. easily understood: plain talk. 4. downright; sheer; utter: plain stupidity. 5. free from ambiguity or evasion; candid: the plain truth. 6. without special pretensions; ordinary: plain people. 7. not beautiful; unattractive: a plain face. 8. without intricacies or difficulties. 9. with little or no embellishment or decoration: a plain blue suit. 10. without a pattern, figure, or device: a plain fabric. 11. not rich, highly seasoned, or elaborately prepared, as food. 12. flat or level: plain country. adv. 13. clearly and simply: They're just plain stupid. n. 14. an area of land not significantly higher than adjacent areas and with relatively minor differences in elevation, commonly less than 500 ft. (150 m), within the area. 15. The Plains, Great Plains. [1250–1300; Middle English < Old French < Latin plānus flat, level, plānum flat country] plain′ly, adv. plain′ness, n.


(plān)1. An extensive, level, usually treeless area of land.2. A broad, level expanse, such as an area of the sea floor or a lunar mare.


Past participle: plained
Gerund: plaining
I plain
you plain
he/she/it plains
we plain
you plain
they plain
I plained
you plained
he/she/it plained
we plained
you plained
they plained
Present Continuous
I am plaining
you are plaining
he/she/it is plaining
we are plaining
you are plaining
they are plaining
Present Perfect
I have plained
you have plained
he/she/it has plained
we have plained
you have plained
they have plained
Past Continuous
I was plaining
you were plaining
he/she/it was plaining
we were plaining
you were plaining
they were plaining
Past Perfect
I had plained
you had plained
he/she/it had plained
we had plained
you had plained
they had plained
I will plain
you will plain
he/she/it will plain
we will plain
you will plain
they will plain
Future Perfect
I will have plained
you will have plained
he/she/it will have plained
we will have plained
you will have plained
they will have plained
Future Continuous
I will be plaining
you will be plaining
he/she/it will be plaining
we will be plaining
you will be plaining
they will be plaining
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been plaining
you have been plaining
he/she/it has been plaining
we have been plaining
you have been plaining
they have been plaining
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been plaining
you will have been plaining
he/she/it will have been plaining
we will have been plaining
you will have been plaining
they will have been plaining
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been plaining
you had been plaining
he/she/it had been plaining
we had been plaining
you had been plaining
they had been plaining
I would plain
you would plain
he/she/it would plain
we would plain
you would plain
they would plain
Past Conditional
I would have plained
you would have plained
he/she/it would have plained
we would have plained
you would have plained
they would have plained


A large tract of almost level land.
Noun1.plain - extensive tract of level open landplain - extensive tract of level open land; "they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain"; "he longed for the fields of his youth"champaign, fieldflat - a level tract of land; "the salt flats of Utah"flood plain, floodplain - a low plain adjacent to a river that is formed chiefly of river sediment and is subject to floodingdry land, ground, solid ground, terra firma, earth, land - the solid part of the earth's surface; "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"; "the earth shook for several minutes"; "he dropped the logs on the ground"llano - an extensive grassy and nearly treeless plain (especially in Latin America)moorland, moor - open land usually with peaty soil covered with heather and bracken and mosspeneplain, peneplane - a more or less level land surface representing an advanced stage of erosion undisturbed by crustal movementssnowfield - a permanent wide expanse of snowsteppe - extensive plain without trees (associated with eastern Russia and Siberia)tundra - a vast treeless plain in the Arctic regions where the subsoil is permanently frozen
2.plain - a basic knitting stitchknit stitch, plain stitch, knitknitting stitch - a stitch taken in knitting
Verb1.plain - express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness; "My mother complains all day"; "She has a lot to kick about"complain, kvetch, quetch, sound off, kickhen-peck, nag, peck - bother persistently with trivial complaints; "She nags her husband all day long"backbite, bitch - say mean thingsgrizzle, yammer, yawp, whine - complain whininglygnarl, grumble, murmur, mutter, croak - make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath; "she grumbles when she feels overworked"grouch, grumble, scold - show one's unhappiness or critical attitude; "He scolded about anything that he thought was wrong"; "We grumbled about the increased work load"protest - utter words of protestrepine - express discontentbeef, bellyache, bitch, gripe, grouse, squawk, holler, crab - complain; "What was he hollering about?"inveigh, rail - complain bitterlybemoan, bewail, deplore, lament - regret strongly; "I deplore this hostile action"; "we lamented the loss of benefits"report - complain about; make a charge against; "I reported her to the supervisor"bleat - talk whiningly
Adj.1.plain - clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment; "the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields"; "evident hostility"; "manifest disapproval"; "patent advantages"; "made his meaning plain"; "it is plain that he is no reactionary"; "in plain view"apparent, evident, manifest, patent, unmistakableobvious - easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind; "obvious errors"
2.plain - not elaborate or elaborated; simple; "plain food"; "stuck to the plain facts"; "a plain blue suit"; "a plain rectangular brick building"unadorned, undecorated - not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinctionunpretentious - lacking pretension or affectation; "an unpretentious country church"; "her quiet unpretentious demeanor"unrhetorical - not rhetoricalsimple - having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved; "a simple problem"; "simple mechanisms"; "a simple design"; "a simple substance"fancy - not plain; decorative or ornamented; "fancy handwriting"; "fancy clothes"
3.plain - lacking patterns especially in colorplain - lacking patterns especially in colorunpatternedpatterned - having patterns (especially colorful patterns)
4.plain - not mixed with extraneous elementsplain - not mixed with extraneous elements; "plain water"; "sheer wine"; "not an unmixed blessing"unmingled, unmixed, sheerpure - free of extraneous elements of any kind; "pure air and water"; "pure gold"; "pure primary colors"; "the violin's pure and lovely song"; "pure tones"; "pure oxygen"
5.plain - free from any effort to soften to disguiseplain - free from any effort to soften to disguise; "the plain and unvarnished truth"; "the unvarnished candor of old people and children"unvarnisheddirect - straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action; "a direct question"; "a direct response"; "a direct approach"
6.plain - lacking embellishment or ornamentationplain - lacking embellishment or ornamentation; "a plain hair style"; "unembellished white walls"; "functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete"unembellished, unornamented, spare, bareunadorned, undecorated - not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction
7.plain - lacking in physical beauty or proportion; "a homely child"; "several of the buildings were downright homely"; "a plain girl with a freckled face"homelyunattractive - lacking beauty or charm; "as unattractive as most mining regions"
Adv.1.plain - unmistakably (`plain' is often used informally for `plainly')plain - unmistakably (`plain' is often used informally for `plainly'); "the answer is obviously wrong"; "she was in bed and evidently in great pain"; "he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list"; "it is all patently nonsense"; "she has apparently been living here for some time"; "I thought he owned the property, but apparently not"; "You are plainly wrong"; "he is plain stubborn"evidently, manifestly, obviously, patently, plainly, apparentlycolloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech


adjective1. unadorned, simple, basic, severe, pure, bare, modest, stark, restrained, muted, discreet, austere, spartan, unfussy, unvarnished, unembellished, unornamented, unpatterned a plain grey stone house, distinguished by its unspoilt simplicity Her dress was plain, but it hung well on her.
unadorned adorned, decorated, fancy, ornate
2. clear, obvious, patent, evident, apparent, visible, distinct, understandable, manifest, transparent, overt, unmistakable, lucid, unambiguous, comprehensible, legible It was plain to me that he was having a nervous breakdown.
clear hidden, disguised, concealed, obscure, vague, veiled, ambiguous, deceptive, incomprehensible, illegible, inconspicuous, indistinct, indiscernible
3. straightforward, open, direct, frank, bold, blunt, sincere, outspoken, honest, downright, candid, forthright, upfront (informal), artless, ingenuous, guileless his reputation for plain speaking
straightforward indirect, rambling, roundabout, meandering, circuitous
4. ugly, ordinary, unattractive, homely (U.S. & Canad.), not striking, unlovely, unprepossessing, not beautiful, no oil painting (informal), ill-favoured, unalluring a shy, rather plain girl with a pale complexion
ugly beautiful, attractive, handsome, good-looking, gorgeous, comely
5. ordinary, homely, common, simple, modest, everyday, commonplace, lowly, unaffected, unpretentious, frugal, workaday We are just plain people.
ordinary worldly, affected, distinguished, sophisticated, pretentious, ostentatious, egotistic
noun1. flatland, plateau, prairie, grassland, mesa, lowland, steppe, open country, pampas, tableland, veld, llano Once there were 70 million buffalo on the plains.


adjective1. Readily seen, perceived, or understood:apparent, clear, clear-cut, crystal clear, distinct, evident, manifest, noticeable, observable, obvious, patent, pronounced, visible.2. Easily seen through due to a lack of subtlety:broad, clear, obvious, patent, unmistakable, unsubtle.3. Not elaborate or showy, as in appearance or style:modest, simple, unassuming, unostentatious, unpretentious.4. Without addition, decoration, or qualification:bald, bare, dry, simple, unadorned, unvarnished.5. Free from extraneous elements:absolute, perfect, pure, sheer, simple, unadulterated, undiluted, unmixed.6. Not diluted or mixed with other substances:full-strength, neat, pure, straight, unblended, undiluted, unmixed.7. Being of no special quality or type:average, common, commonplace, cut-and-dried, formulaic, garden, garden-variety, indifferent, mediocre, ordinary, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, stock, undistinguished, unexceptional, unremarkable.8. Not handsome or beautiful:homely, unattractive, uncomely, unlovely.Idioms: not much for looks, not much to look at, short on looks.9. Completely such, without qualification or exception:absolute, all-out, arrant, complete, consummate, crashing, damned, dead, downright, flat, out-and-out, outright, perfect, pure, sheer, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, unbounded, unequivocal, unlimited, unmitigated, unqualified, unrelieved, unreserved, utter.Informal: flat-out, positive.Chiefly British: blooming.


(plein) adjective1. simple or ordinary; without ornament or decoration. plain living; good, plain food. 簡樸的 简朴的2. easy to understand; clear. His words were quite plain. 明白的 明白的3. absolutely open or honest, with no attempt to be tactful. I'll be quite plain with you; plain speaking. 坦誠的 坦诚的4. obvious. It's plain (to see) you haven't been practising your music. 明顯的 明显的5. not pretty. a rather plain girl. (相貌等)平常的 (相貌等)平常的 noun1. a large flat level piece of land. the plains of central Canada. 平原 平原2. a kind of knitting stitch. 平(紋)布 平(纹)布 ˈplainly adverb 坦誠地 坦诚地ˈplainness noun 坦誠 坦诚plain chocolate dark chocolate not containing milk. 純巧克力 (未加牛奶的)黑巧克力 plain clothes ordinary clothes, not a uniform: Detectives usually wear plain clothes; adjective (etc)a plain-clothes job. 便服 便服plain sailing progress without difficulty. 一帆風順 一帆风顺ˌplain-ˈspoken adjective speaking honestly and candidly, not trying to be tactful. She is a very plain-spoken person who always says what she means. 直言不諱的 直言不讳的in plain English in simple words; clearly expressed. Would you mind explaining it in plain English? 用淺顯的英語 不拐弯抹角,简单明了的用語


平原zhCN, 简单的zhCN


  • (as) plain as a pikestaff
  • (as) plain as day
  • (as) plain as the nose on (one's) face
  • a plain Jane
  • be as plain as the nose on (one's) face
  • be in plain English
  • be in plain language
  • be plain sailing
  • in plain English
  • in plain language
  • in plain view
  • make plain
  • plain and simple
  • plain as a pikestaff
  • plain as day
  • plain as day/the nose on your face
  • plain Jane
  • plain sailing
  • plain vanilla
  • pure and simple
  • put (something) into plain English
  • put (something) into plain language
  • say (something) in plain English
  • say (something) in plain language
  • write (something) in plain English
  • write (something) in plain language



large area of level or nearly level land. Elevated plains are called plateausplateau,
elevated, level or nearly level portion of the earth's surface, larger in summit area than a mountain and bounded on at least one side by steep slopes, occurring on land or in oceans.
..... Click the link for more information.
, or tablelands, and very low, wet plains are called swampsswamp,
shallow body of water in a low-lying, poorly drained depression, usually containing abundant plant growth dominated by trees, such as cypress, and high shrubs. Swamps develop in moist climates, generally in such places as low-lying coastal plains, floodplains of rivers,
..... Click the link for more information.
. Plains have different names in different climates and countries. They include the tundrastundra
, treeless plains of N North America and N Eurasia, lying principally along the Arctic Circle, on the coasts and islands of the Arctic Ocean, and to the north of the coniferous forest belt.
..... Click the link for more information.
, steppessteppe
, temperate grassland of Eurasia, consisting of level, generally treeless plains. It extends over the lower regions of the Danube and in a broad belt over S and SE European and Central Asian Russia, stretching E to the Altai and S to the Transbaykal and Manchurian plains.
..... Click the link for more information.
, prairiesprairies,
generally level, originally grass-covered and treeless plains of North America, stretching from W Ohio through Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa to the Great Plains region.
..... Click the link for more information.
, pampaspampas
, wide, flat, grassy plains of temperate S South America, c.300,000 sq mi (777,000 sq km), particularly in Argentina and extending into Uruguay. Although the region gradually rises to the west, it appears mostly level. Precipitation decreases from east to west.
..... Click the link for more information.
, savannassavanna
or savannah
, tropical or subtropical grassland lying on the margin of the trade wind belts. The climate of a savanna is characterized by a rainy period during the summer when the area is covered by grasses, and by a dry winter when the grasses wither.
..... Click the link for more information.
, llanosllanos
, Spanish-American term for prairies, specifically those of the Orinoco River basin of N South America, in Venezuela and E Colombia. The llanos of the Orinoco are a vast, hot region of rolling savanna broken by low-lying mesas, scrub forest, and scattered palms.
..... Click the link for more information.
, floodplains of rivers, coastal plains, loess plains, arid plains (see desertdesert,
arid region, usually partly covered by sand, having scanty vegetation or sometimes almost none, and capable of supporting only a limited and specially adapted animal population.
..... Click the link for more information.
), and lacustrine plains. The erosive action of water, glaciation, the draining of a lake, deposition of sediment, and the uplift of a continental shelf are some of the causes of the formation of plains. The extensive area comprising the western part of the Mississippi watershed, very gradually rising to the foothills of the Rockies, and having, largely, a steppe climate, is called the Great Plains region of the United States. The coastal plains region of the United States along the Gulf Coast and the Atlantic seaboard is widest in the south and southeast.


Unadorned; without any pattern or ornamentation.



one of the most important relief features on dry land and on the floor of seas and oceans, characterized by small differences in elevation and slight dips.

On land plains are classified as below sea level (for example, the Caspian Lowland); lowland plains, with elevations from sea level to 200 m (Western Siberian Plain); elevated plains, lying between 200 m and 500 m (Ustiurt); and highland plains, occurring above 500 m (interior of the Iranian Plateau). The surface of a plain may be horizontal (the western part of the Betpak-Dala Desert), sloping (submontane trains), or down-warped (the central part of the Kashgar Plain). Depending on their mesorelief, plains are classified as flat, stepped, terraced, rolling, ridgy, hilly, or hummocky.

Plains differ in origin, geological structure, and development. In terms of the predominant exogenic processes at work, plains are divided into denudation plains, formed by the breakup and erosion of irregularities in the relief (such as mountains), and accumulation plains, created by the accumulation of layers of loose sediment.

Denudation plains that cut unconformably across the surface of a crystalline basement (surface of shields) or a folded foundation are called socle plains. Denudation plains whose surfaces are close to the structural surfaces of a slightly disrupted mantle are called stratified plains. By genesis of planation, denudation plains are subdivided into erosion, abrasion, exaration (glacial erosion), and deflation (wind action) plains. Denudation plains are also classified as peneplains or pediplains according to the mechanism of planation. Tiered plains are formed where the process of denudation planation is discontinuous because of the irregularity of tectonic uplift.

Accumulation plains are usually subdivided according to the predominant agent of endogenic accumulation (volcanic plains) or exogenic accumulation (marine, alluvial, lacustrine, glacial plains). Accumulation plains of combined origin (lacustrine-alluvial, delta-marine, and alluvial-proluvial) are also common. A more detailed breakdown of accumulation plains is also possible, for example, glacial plains may be subdivided into moraine, fluvioglacial, and lacustrine-glacial plains. Differences also occur in underwater accumulation plains. For example, there are abyssal plains, confined primarily to ocean platforms (thalassocratons), and the plains of the shelf and basins of marginal seas.

Structurally, plains are divided into those of platform regions and those of orogenic regions. Platforms, with their relatively tranquil tectonic conditions, are more conducive to the formation of a plains relief. On platforms, the relationship between relief forms and tectonic elements, between the river drainage pattern and the divides separating the river basins, may be direct or complex. Tectonic movements have a major impact on the relief of platform plains; especially noticeable in present-day plains relief are the tectonic movements of Recent (Neo-gene-Anthropogene) time. As a result of these movements, platform plains (also called plains country) include stretches with rugged relief in addition to the predominant level areas.

Pediment accumulation plains and denudation plains are formed within orogenic regions, in intermontane and submontane troughs. (Pediment accumulation plains are usually alluvial-marine, lacustrine-alluvial, or proluvial plains.) The pediment plains form sloping surfaces at the boundary of orogenic and platform regions or constitute the floors of intermontane depressions and large basins. In mountain country there are stretches of denudation plains that have been involved in intensive uplifting but have not yet been dissected by erosion (highland plains, tablelands, and mountain plateaus). Such stretches are orogenic and preorogenic planation surfaces.

Plains occupy the largest part of the earth’s surface. The basins of the greatest rivers and the largest lakes are located on plains, and in terms of terrain plains are the most suitable areas for human habitation. The largest plains on dry land are the Great and Central plains in North America, the Amazon and Guyana lowlands in South America, the East European Plain in Europe, the Western Siberian, North China, and Indo-Gangetic plains in Asia, the Sahara and Sudan plains in Africa, and the Central Lowlands in Australia.


Shchukin, I. S. Obshchaia geomorfologiia, vol.2. Moscow, 1964.
Rel’ef Zemli (Morfostruklura i morfoskul’ptura). Moscow, 1967.
Meshcheriakov, Iu. A. Strukturnaia geomorfologiia ravninnykh stran. Moscow, 1965.



[plān] (geography) An extensive, broad tract of level or rolling, almost treeless land with a shrubby vegetation, usually at a low elevation. (geology) A flat, gently sloping region of the sea floor. Also known as submarine plain.


1. (of fabric) without pattern or of simple untwilled weave 2. a level or almost level tract of country, esp an extensive treeless region 3. in billiardsa. the unmarked white ball, as distinguished from the spot balls b. the player using this ball 4. (in Ireland) short for plain porter a light porter


Programming LAnguage for INteraction. Pascal-like, withextensions for database, string handling, exceptions andpattern matching. "Revised Report on the Programming LanguagePLAIN", A. Wasserman, SIGPLAN Notices 6(5):59-80 (May 1981).


PLAINPlain Language Action and Information Network (formerly Plain English Network)
PLAINPine Lake Association of Involved Neighbors (Georgia)
PLAINPublic Libraries Automated Information Network (Australia)
PLAINProgetto Lombardo Archivi in Internet (Italian Internet files project)

See PL


Related to plain: Plain Dealer
  • all
  • adj
  • noun
  • verb
  • adv

Synonyms for plain

adj unadorned


  • unadorned
  • simple
  • basic
  • severe
  • pure
  • bare
  • modest
  • stark
  • restrained
  • muted
  • discreet
  • austere
  • spartan
  • unfussy
  • unvarnished
  • unembellished
  • unornamented
  • unpatterned


  • adorned
  • decorated
  • fancy
  • ornate

adj clear


  • clear
  • obvious
  • patent
  • evident
  • apparent
  • visible
  • distinct
  • understandable
  • manifest
  • transparent
  • overt
  • unmistakable
  • lucid
  • unambiguous
  • comprehensible
  • legible


  • hidden
  • disguised
  • concealed
  • obscure
  • vague
  • veiled
  • ambiguous
  • deceptive
  • incomprehensible
  • illegible
  • inconspicuous
  • indistinct
  • indiscernible

adj straightforward


  • straightforward
  • open
  • direct
  • frank
  • bold
  • blunt
  • sincere
  • outspoken
  • honest
  • downright
  • candid
  • forthright
  • upfront
  • artless
  • ingenuous
  • guileless


  • indirect
  • rambling
  • roundabout
  • meandering
  • circuitous

adj ugly


  • ugly
  • ordinary
  • unattractive
  • homely
  • not striking
  • unlovely
  • unprepossessing
  • not beautiful
  • no oil painting
  • ill-favoured
  • unalluring


  • beautiful
  • attractive
  • handsome
  • good-looking
  • gorgeous
  • comely

adj ordinary


  • ordinary
  • homely
  • common
  • simple
  • modest
  • everyday
  • commonplace
  • lowly
  • unaffected
  • unpretentious
  • frugal
  • workaday


  • worldly
  • affected
  • distinguished
  • sophisticated
  • pretentious
  • ostentatious
  • egotistic

noun flatland


  • flatland
  • plateau
  • prairie
  • grassland
  • mesa
  • lowland
  • steppe
  • open country
  • pampas
  • tableland
  • veld
  • llano

Synonyms for plain

adj readily seen, perceived, or understood


  • apparent
  • clear
  • clear-cut
  • crystal clear
  • distinct
  • evident
  • manifest
  • noticeable
  • observable
  • obvious
  • patent
  • pronounced
  • visible

adj easily seen through due to a lack of subtlety


  • broad
  • clear
  • obvious
  • patent
  • unmistakable
  • unsubtle

adj not elaborate or showy, as in appearance or style


  • modest
  • simple
  • unassuming
  • unostentatious
  • unpretentious

adj without addition, decoration, or qualification


  • bald
  • bare
  • dry
  • simple
  • unadorned
  • unvarnished

adj free from extraneous elements


  • absolute
  • perfect
  • pure
  • sheer
  • simple
  • unadulterated
  • undiluted
  • unmixed

adj not diluted or mixed with other substances


  • full-strength
  • neat
  • pure
  • straight
  • unblended
  • undiluted
  • unmixed

adj being of no special quality or type


  • average
  • common
  • commonplace
  • cut-and-dried
  • formulaic
  • garden
  • garden-variety
  • indifferent
  • mediocre
  • ordinary
  • routine
  • run-of-the-mill
  • standard
  • stock
  • undistinguished
  • unexceptional
  • unremarkable

adj not handsome or beautiful


  • homely
  • unattractive
  • uncomely
  • unlovely

adj completely such, without qualification or exception


  • absolute
  • all-out
  • arrant
  • complete
  • consummate
  • crashing
  • damned
  • dead
  • downright
  • flat
  • out-and-out
  • outright
  • perfect
  • pure
  • sheer
  • thorough
  • thoroughgoing
  • total
  • unbounded
  • unequivocal
  • unlimited
  • unmitigated
  • unqualified
  • unrelieved
  • unreserved
  • utter
  • flat-out
  • positive
  • blooming

Synonyms for plain

noun extensive tract of level open land


  • champaign
  • field

Related Words

  • flat
  • flood plain
  • floodplain
  • dry land
  • ground
  • solid ground
  • terra firma
  • earth
  • land
  • llano
  • moorland
  • moor
  • peneplain
  • peneplane
  • snowfield
  • steppe
  • tundra

noun a basic knitting stitch


  • knit stitch
  • plain stitch
  • knit

Related Words

  • knitting stitch

verb express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness


  • complain
  • kvetch
  • quetch
  • sound off
  • kick

Related Words

  • hen-peck
  • nag
  • peck
  • backbite
  • bitch
  • grizzle
  • yammer
  • yawp
  • whine
  • gnarl
  • grumble
  • murmur
  • mutter
  • croak
  • grouch
  • scold
  • protest
  • repine
  • beef
  • bellyache
  • gripe
  • grouse
  • squawk
  • holler
  • crab
  • inveigh
  • rail
  • bemoan
  • bewail
  • deplore
  • lament
  • report
  • bleat

adj clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment


  • apparent
  • evident
  • manifest
  • patent
  • unmistakable

Related Words

  • obvious

adj not elaborate or elaborated

Related Words

  • unadorned
  • undecorated
  • unpretentious
  • unrhetorical
  • simple


  • fancy

adj lacking patterns especially in color


  • unpatterned


  • patterned

adj not mixed with extraneous elements


  • unmingled
  • unmixed
  • sheer

Related Words

  • pure

adj free from any effort to soften to disguise


  • unvarnished

Related Words

  • direct

adj lacking embellishment or ornamentation


  • unembellished
  • unornamented
  • spare
  • bare

Related Words

  • unadorned
  • undecorated

adj lacking in physical beauty or proportion


  • homely

Related Words

  • unattractive

adv unmistakably ('plain' is often used informally for 'plainly')


  • evidently
  • manifestly
  • obviously
  • patently
  • plainly
  • apparently

Related Words

  • colloquialism




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