

V0015200 (văl′ə-rīz′)tr.v. val·or·ized, val·or·iz·ing, val·or·iz·es 1. To establish and maintain the price of (a commodity) by governmental action.2. To give or assign a value to, especially a higher value: "The prophets valorized history" (Mircea Eliade).
[Portuguese valorizar, from valor, value, from Late Latin; see valor.]
val′or·i·za′tion (-ər-ĭ-zā′shən) n.


(ˈvæləˌraɪz) or


vb (Economics) (tr) to fix and maintain an artificial price for (a commodity) by governmental action[C20: back formation from valorization; see valour] ˌvaloriˈzation, ˌvaloriˈsation n


(ˈvæl əˌraɪz)

v.t. -ized, -iz•ing. to maintain the value or price of (a commodity), esp. by subsidies or the government's purchase at a fixed price. [1905–10; < Late Latin valor worth (see valor) + -ize]


Past participle: valorized
Gerund: valorizing
I valorize
you valorize
he/she/it valorizes
we valorize
you valorize
they valorize
I valorized
you valorized
he/she/it valorized
we valorized
you valorized
they valorized
Present Continuous
I am valorizing
you are valorizing
he/she/it is valorizing
we are valorizing
you are valorizing
they are valorizing
Present Perfect
I have valorized
you have valorized
he/she/it has valorized
we have valorized
you have valorized
they have valorized
Past Continuous
I was valorizing
you were valorizing
he/she/it was valorizing
we were valorizing
you were valorizing
they were valorizing
Past Perfect
I had valorized
you had valorized
he/she/it had valorized
we had valorized
you had valorized
they had valorized
I will valorize
you will valorize
he/she/it will valorize
we will valorize
you will valorize
they will valorize
Future Perfect
I will have valorized
you will have valorized
he/she/it will have valorized
we will have valorized
you will have valorized
they will have valorized
Future Continuous
I will be valorizing
you will be valorizing
he/she/it will be valorizing
we will be valorizing
you will be valorizing
they will be valorizing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been valorizing
you have been valorizing
he/she/it has been valorizing
we have been valorizing
you have been valorizing
they have been valorizing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been valorizing
you will have been valorizing
he/she/it will have been valorizing
we will have been valorizing
you will have been valorizing
they will have been valorizing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been valorizing
you had been valorizing
he/she/it had been valorizing
we had been valorizing
you had been valorizing
they had been valorizing
I would valorize
you would valorize
he/she/it would valorize
we would valorize
you would valorize
they would valorize
Past Conditional
I would have valorized
you would have valorized
he/she/it would have valorized
we would have valorized
you would have valorized
they would have valorized