reticulocyte production index

re·ti·cu·lo·cyte pro·duc·tion in·dex

(RPI) (rĕ-tik'yū-lō-sīt prŏ-dŭk'shŭn in'deks) A calculated value that serves as an indicator of the bone marrow response in anemia. It is calculated as patient's hematocrit ÷ 0.45 L/L × reticulocyte count (%) × 1 ÷ maturation time of shift reticulocytes.

re·ti·cu·lo·cyte pro·duc·tion in·dex

(rĕ-tik'yū-lō-sīt prŏ-dŭk'shŭn in'deks) A calculated value that indicates bone marrow response in anemia.