Technical Information, Classification, and Codification, Institute of
Technical Information, Classification, and Codification, Institute of
(full name, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Information, Classification, and Codification of the State Committee for Standards of the USSR [VNIIKI]), a scientific research institute founded in Moscow in 1964.
The institute deals with problems related to the classification and codification of technical and economic information and the unification of documentation systems, the standardization of scientific and technical terminology, and the automation of a system of information and terminology designed to serve enterprises and organizations. The All-Union Standards Information Fund (VIFS), attached to the institute, is responsible for state registrations and for the compilation and storage of normative and technical documentation and decisions of the state certifying commissions that grant the state mark of quality to manufactured goods; it also supplies industry with such documents. The institute prepares and publishes bibliographical and reference information, surveys, and bulletins on problems in standardization, metrology, and quality improvement in manufacturing.