retention jaundice

re·ten·tion jaun·dice

jaundice due to insufficiency of liver function or to an excess of bile pigment production; the bilirubin is unconjugated because it has not passed through the liver cells.

re·ten·tion jaun·dice

(rē-ten'shŭn jawn'dis) Hepatic disorder due to insufficiency of liver function or to an excess of bile pigment production; the bilirubin is unconjugated because it has not passed through the liver cells; the van den Bergh test is indirect.

retention jaundice

Jaundice resulting from the inability of liver cells to remove bile pigment from circulation.See also: jaundice

re·ten·tion jaun·dice

(rē-ten'shŭn jawn'dis) Hepatic disorder due to insufficiency of liver function or to an excess of bile pigment production.