Acronym | Definition |
VDM➣Verlag Dr. Mueller (German publisher) |
VDM➣Vitra Design Museum (est. 1989; Germany) |
VDM➣Viedma (airport code; Rio Negro, Argentina) |
VDM➣Virtual DOS Machine |
VDM➣Vienna Development Method (formal development method similar to the Z language) |
VDM➣Visual Display Module |
VDM➣Video Dvd Maker |
VDM➣Virtual Disk Manager |
VDM➣Vpn Device Manager |
VDM➣Virtual Desktop Manager |
VDM➣Virtual Drive Manager |
VDM➣Virtual Development Manager |
VDM➣Video Display Metafile |
VDM➣Verband Deutscher Mineralbrunnen (German: Association of German Mineral Water) |
VDM➣Verband Deutscher Makler (German: Association of German Agents) |
VDM➣Virtual Device Metafile |
VDM➣Vista del Monte (retirement community; Santa Barbara, CA) |
VDM➣Vapor Deposition Method |
VDM➣Verbi Dei Minister (Latin: Preacher of God's Word) |
VDM➣Vehicle Dynamics Model |
VDM➣Verband der Motorjournalisten e.V. (German: Association of Motor Journalists) |
VDM➣Verband der Deutschen Milchwirtschaft (German: The Round Table of the Dairy Industry) |
VDM➣Vehicle Dynamic Management (Lexus) |
VDM➣Vereinigte Deutsche Metallwerke AG |
VDM➣Ville de Montréal (French: City of Montreal; Canada) |
VDM➣Value-Driven Marketing |
VDM➣Voice Data Module |
VDM➣Variable Data Marketing |
VDM➣Virtual Device Manager |
VDM➣Valve Demo Metafiles (Half-Life 2) |
VDM➣Vasodepressor Material |
VDM➣VISSR/VAS Digital Multiplexer |
VDM➣Verband de Deutschen Munzenhandler (Berlin, Germany) |