Acronym | Definition |
VDI➣Virtual Desk Infrastructure (computing model) |
VDI➣Virtual Desktop Infrastructure |
VDI➣Virtual Disk Image |
VDI➣Valsts Darba Inspekcijas (Latvian: State Labour Inspection) |
VDI➣Virtual Device Interface |
VDI➣Video Data Input |
VDI➣Video Disk Interactive |
VDI➣Variable Intake Diesel Direct Injection |
VDI➣Video Display Input |
VDI➣Vector Display Indicator |
VDI➣Video Data Interface |
VDI➣Virtual Development Interface |
VDI➣Vendeur à Domicile Indépendant (French: Independent Home Vendor; vendor status; France) |
VDI➣Voix, Données, Images (French: Voice, Data, Image; building communication channels) |
VDI➣Verein Deutsche Ingenieure (Society of German Engineers) |
VDI➣Vested Development, Inc. (Burlington, MA) |
VDI➣Video Display Interface |
VDI➣Vantan Design Institute (Japan) |
VDI➣Vehicle Dependability Index (JD Powers) |
VDI➣Video Device Interface |
VDI➣Visual Defence, Inc. (Canada) |
VDI➣Vista Drive Icon (software) |
VDI➣Voluntary Disability Insurance |
VDI➣V Differential Input |
VDI➣Vending Data Interchange (wireless telemetry) |
VDI➣Vertical Display Indicator |
VDI➣Verbal Dispatch Instruction |
VDI➣Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Defective Interfering Particle Repressor |
VDI➣Verification, Design and Implementation |
VDI➣Voice Data Integrator |
VDI➣Verify Dispatch Information (Dell) |