tuberculum impar

median lingual swelling

in the embryo, a small elevation in the floor of the mouth between the first and second pharyngeal arches; it is overgrown by the lateral lingual swellings and forms a small unrecognizable part of the posterior region of the anterior two thirds of the tongue. Synonym(s): median lingual bud, median tongue bud, tuberculum impar

me·di·an lin·gual swell·ing

(mē'dē-ănling'gwăl swel'ing) A smooth swelling in the midline of the floor of the primordial mouth between the first and second pharyngeal arches; it is incorporated into the tongue but forms no recognizable part of it.
Synonym(s): median tongue bud, tuberculum impar.

me·di·an lin·gual swell·ing

(mē'dē-ăn ling'gwăl swel'ing) In embryo, small elevation in floor of mouth between first and second pharyngeal arches; overgrown by lateral lingual swellings; forms a small part of posterior region of anterior two thirds of tongue.