put a damper on

put a damper on (something)

To discourage, inhibit, or deter something; to make something less enjoyable, pleasant, or fun; to have a subduing or deadening effect on something. The foul weather really put a damper on our picnic yesterday. Without question, this tax scandal has put a damper on the senator's likelihood of being re-elected. The construction happening near our building has really put a damper on sales this month.See also: damper, on, put

put a damper on something

Fig. to have a dulling or numbing influence on something. The bad news really put a damper on everything. The rainy weather put a damper on our picnic.See also: damper, on, put

put a damper on

Discourage, dishearten, deter, as in Grandpa's death put a damper on our Christmas holidays. This idiom employs the noun damper in the sense of "something that damps or depresses the spirits," a usage dating from the mid-1700s. See also: damper, on, put

put a (or the) damper (or dampener) on

have a depressing, subduing, or inhibiting effect on someone or something.See also: damper, on, put