

单词 put



to place, set; to assign, attribute
Not to be confused with:putt – to hit a golf ball with a light stroke


P0677600 (po͝ot)v. put, put·ting, puts v.tr.1. To place in a specified location; set: She put the books on the table.2. To cause to be in a specified condition: His gracious manners put me at ease.3. To cause (one) to undergo something; subject: The interrogators put the prisoner to torture.4. To assign; attribute: They put a false interpretation on events.5. To estimate: We put the time at five o'clock.6. To impose or levy: The governor has put a tax on cigarettes.7. Games To wager (a stake); bet: put $50 on a horse.8. Sports To hurl with an overhand pushing motion: put the shot.9. To bring up for consideration or judgment: put a question to the judge.10. To express; state: I put my objections bluntly.11. To render in a specified language or literary form: put prose into verse.12. To adapt: The lyrics had been put to music.13. To urge or force to an action: a mob that put the thief to flight.14. To apply: We must put our minds to it.15. To force the purchase of (a stock or commodity) by exercising a put option.v.intr. Nautical To proceed: The ship put into the harbor.n.1. Sports An act of putting the shot.2. An option to sell a stipulated amount of stock or securities within a specified time and at a fixed price.adj. Fixed; stationary: stay put.Phrasal Verbs: put about Nautical To change or cause to change direction; go or cause to go from one tack to another. put across1. To state so as to be understood clearly or accepted readily: put her views across during the hearing.2. To attain or carry through by deceit or trickery. put aside1. To stop using, working on, or considering until later: We put aside the idea until the next meeting.2. To disregard; forget about: Why not put aside your grudge? put away1. To renounce; discard: put all negative thoughts away.2. Informal To consume (food or drink) readily and quickly: put away the dinner in just a few minutes.3. Informal To confine to a prison or mental health facility.4. a. Informal To kill: The injured cat was put away.b. To bury. put by To save for later use: "Some crops were so abundant they could even be put by" (Carole Lalli). put down1. a. To write down.b. To enter in a list.2. a. To bring to an end; repress: put down a rebellion.b. To render ineffective: put down rumors.3. To subject (an animal) to euthanasia.4. Informal a. To criticize: put me down for failing the course.b. To belittle; disparage: put down their knowledge of literature.c. To humiliate: "Many status games seem designed to put down others" (Alvin F. Poussaint).5. a. To assign to a category: Just put him down as a sneak.b. To attribute: Let's put this disaster down to inexperience.6. To consume (food or drink) readily; put away: puts down three big meals a day. put forth1. To grow: Plants put forth new growth in the spring.2. To bring to bear; exert: At least put forth a semblance of effort when you scrub the floor.3. To offer for consideration: put forth an idea. put forward To propose for consideration: put forward a new plan. put in1. To make a formal offer of: put in a plea of guilty.2. To introduce, as in conversation; interpose: He put in a good word for me.3. To spend (time) at a location or job: I put in eight hours at the office.4. To plant: We put in 20 rows of pine trees.5. To make (a telephone call): I put in a call to the school principal.6. To apply: put in for early retirement.7. Nautical a. To enter a port or harbor: The freighter puts in at noon.b. To launch a small boat: The kayakers put in below the dam. put off1. a. To delay; postpone: put off paying the bills.b. To persuade to delay further action: managed to put off the creditors for another week.2. To take off; discard: put off a sweater.3. To repel or repulse, as from bad manners: His indifferent attitude has put us off.4. To pass (money) or sell (merchandise) fraudulently. put on1. To clothe oneself with; don: put on a coat; put socks on.2. To apply; activate: put on the brakes.3. To assume affectedly: put on an English accent.4. Slang To tease or mislead (another): You're putting me on!5. To add: put on weight.6. To produce; perform: put on a variety show. put out1. To extinguish: put out a fire.2. Nautical To leave, as a port or harbor; depart.3. To expel: put out a drunk from the bar.4. To publish: put out a weekly newsletter.5. a. To inconvenience: Did our early arrival put you out?b. To offend or irritate: I was put out by his attention to the television set.6. To make an effort: We've really had to put out to get this project finished.7. Baseball To cause (a batter or base runner) to be ruled out.8. Vulgar Slang To be willing to engage in casual sexual activity; be sexually available. put over1. To postpone; delay.2. To put across, especially to deceive: tried to put a lie over, but to no avail. put through1. To bring to a successful end: put the project through on time; put through a number of new laws.2. To cause to undergo: He put me through a lot of trouble.3. a. To make a telephone connection for: The operator put me through on the office line.b. To obtain a connection for (a telephone call). put to Nautical To head for shore. put together To construct; create: put together a new bookcase; put together a tax package. put up1. To erect; build.2. To preserve; can: put up six jars of jam.3. To nominate: put up a candidate at a convention.4. To provide (funds) in advance: put up money for the new musical.5. To provide lodgings for: put a friend up for the night.6. Sports To startle (game animals) from cover: put up grouse.7. To offer for sale: put up his antiques.8. a. To make a display or the appearance of: put up a bluff.b. To engage in; carry on: put up a good fight. put upon To impose on; overburden: He was always being put upon by his friends.Idioms: put an end/a halt/a stop to To bring to an end; terminate. put down roots To establish a permanent residence in a locale. put in an appearance To attend a social engagement, especially for a short time. put it to (someone) Slang 1. To overburden with tasks or work.2. To put blame on.3. To take unfair advantage of.4. To lay out the facts of a situation to (another) in a forceful candid manner.5. To defeat soundly; trounce. put (one) in mind To remind: You put me in mind of your grandmother. put (oneself) out To make a considerable effort; go to trouble or expense. put (one's) finger on To identify: I can't put my finger on the person in that photograph. put (one's) foot down To take a firm stand. put (one's) foot in (one's) mouth To make a tactless remark. put paid to Chiefly British To finish off; put to rest: "We've given up saying we only kill to eat; Kraft dinner and freeze-dried food have put paid to that one" (Margaret Atwood). put (someone) in (someone's) place To lower the dignity of (someone); humble. put (someone) through (someone's) paces To cause to demonstrate ability or skill; test: The drama coach put her students through their paces before the first performance. put (someone) up to To cause to commit a funny, mischievous, or malicious act: My older brother put me up to making a prank telephone call. put something over on To deceive, cheat, or trick.put the arm/bite/squeeze on Slang To ask another for money. put the finger on Slang To inform on: The witness put the finger on the killer. put the lie to To show to be false or inaccurate. put the make/moves on Slang To make sexual advances to.put the screws to/on Slang To pressure (another) in an extreme manner. put the skids on Slang To bring to a halt: "Sacrificing free speech to put the skids on prurient printed matter is not the correct path, the courts said" (Curtis J. Sitomer). put to bed Informal 1. To make final preparations for the printing of (a newspaper, for example).2. To make final preparations for completing (a project). put to it To cause extreme difficulty for: We were put to it to finish the book on time. put to sleep1. To make weary; bore.2. To subject to euthanasia.3. To subject to general anesthesia. put two and two together To draw the proper conclusions from existing evidence or indications. put up or shut up Slang To have to endure an unpleasant situation or take action to remedy it. put up with To endure without complaint: We had to put up with the inconvenience.
[Middle English putten, back-formation from Old English *pūtte, past tense of pȳtan, to put out.]


(pʊt) vb (mainly tr) , puts, putting or put1. to cause to be (in a position or place): to put a book on the table. 2. to cause to be (in a state, relation, etc): to put one's things in order. 3. (foll by to) to cause (a person) to experience the endurance or suffering (of): to put to death; to put to the sword. 4. to set or commit (to an action, task, or duty), esp by force: he put him to work. 5. to render, transform, or translate: to put into English. 6. (Music, other) to set (words) in a musical form (esp in the phrase put to music)7. (foll by at) to estimate: he put the distance at fifty miles. 8. (foll by to) to utilize (for the purpose of): he put his knowledge to good use. 9. (Breeds) (foll by to) to couple a female animal (with a male) for the purpose of breeding: the farmer put his heifer to the bull. 10. to state; express: to put it bluntly. 11. to set or make (an end or limit): he put an end to the proceedings. 12. to present for consideration in anticipation of an answer or vote; propose: he put the question to the committee; I put it to you that one day you will all die. 13. (Banking & Finance) to invest (money) in; give (support) to: he put five thousand pounds into the project. 14. to impart: to put zest into a party. 15. (Athletics (Track & Field)) to throw or cast16. not know where to put oneself to feel awkward or embarrassed17. put paid to to destroy irrevocably and utterly: the manager's disfavour put paid to their hopes for promotion. 18. stay put to refuse to leave; keep one's positionn19. (Athletics (Track & Field)) a throw or cast, esp in putting the shot20. (Stock Exchange) stock exchange Also called: put option an option to sell a stated amount of securities at a specified price during a specified limited period. Compare call58[C12 puten to push; related to Old English potian to push, Norwegian, Icelandic pota to poke]



v. put, put•ting,
n. v.t. 1. to move (anything) into a specific location or position; place. 2. to bring into some condition, relation, etc.: to put affairs in order. 3. to force to undergo something. 4. to set to a duty, task, action, etc. 5. to render or translate, as into another language. 6. to provide musical accompaniment for (words); set. 7. to assign or attribute: to put the blame on others. 8. to estimate (distance, time, etc.). 9. to bet or wager. 10. to express or state: To put it honestly, I don't care. 11. to apply (knowledge, skill, etc.) to a use or purpose. 12. to submit for answer, consideration, etc. 13. to impose (a tax, charge, etc.). 14. to invest (money, resources, etc.). 15. to throw or cast: to put the shot. v.i. 16. to go or proceed: to put to sea. 17. to shoot out or grow, or send forth shoots or sprouts. 18. put about, a. Naut. to change direction, as on a course. b. to turn in a different direction. 19. put across, a. to cause to be understood or received favorably. b. to do successfully; accomplish. 20. put aside or by, a. to store up; save. b. to put out of the way; place to one side. 21. put away, a. to put in the designated place for storage. b. to save, esp. for later use. c. to discard. d. to drink or eat. 22. put down, a. to write down; record. b. to enter in a list, as of contributors. c. to suppress. d. to attribute; ascribe. e. to regard or categorize: He was put down as a chronic complainer. f. to disparage, humiliate, or embarrass. g. to pay as a deposit. h. to land an aircraft. 23. put forth, a. to bear or grow: trees putting forth green shoots. b. to propose; present. c. to exert. d. to set out; depart. 24. put forward, a. to propose; advance. b. to nominate or support. 25. put in, a. Also, put into.Naut. to enter (a port or harbor). b. to spend (time) as indicated. 26. put in for, to apply for or request: to put in for a transfer. 27. put off, a. to postpone; defer. b. to get rid of by evasion or delay. c. to disconcert or perturb: We were put off by the book's abusive tone. 28. put on, a. to clothe oneself in. b. to assume or pretend. c. to produce or stage, as a show. d. Informal. to deceive (someone) as a joke; tease: You're putting me on, aren't you? 29. put out, a. to extinguish, as a fire. b. to be vexed or annoyed. c. to subject to inconvenience. d. Baseball, Softball, Cricket. to cause to be denied an opportunity to reach base or score; retire. e. to publish. f. to go out to sea. g. to manufacture; produce. 30. put over, to accomplish successfully. 31. put through, a. to complete successfully. b. to bring about; effect. c. to make a telephone connection for: Put me through to Los Angeles. d. to make (a telephone connection): to put a call through to Hong Kong. e. to cause to suffer or endure. 32. put up, a. to construct; erect. b. to can (vegetables, fruits, etc.); preserve (jam, jelly, etc.). c. to set or arrange (the hair). d. to provide (money). e. to lodge. f. to propose as a candidate; nominate. g. to offer, esp. for public sale. h. to sheathe (one's sword). 33. put upon, to impose upon. 34. put up to, to incite. 35. put up with, to tolerate. n. 36. a throw or cast, esp. with a forward motion of the hand. 37. Also called put option. an option to sell stock at a specified price and by a specified date.Compare call (def. 56). Idioms: 1. put one's best foot forward, to try to make as good an impression as possible. 2. put oneself out, to take pains; go to trouble or expense. 3. put on the dog or the ritz, to assume an attitude of wealth or importance; put on airs. 4. put something over on, to deceive. [before 1000; Middle English put(t)en to push, thrust, put, Old English *putian (as v. noun putung an impelling, inciting)]


– put1. 'place' and 'put'

The verbs place and put are often used with the same meaning. Place is more formal than put, and is mainly used in writing.

If you place something somewhere, you put it there. You often use place to say that someone puts something somewhere neatly or carefully.

She placed the music on the piano and sat down.Each piece of furniture is carefully placed, as in a gallery.
2. pressure

If you place or put pressure on someone, you urge them to do something.

Renewed pressure will be placed on the Government this week.He may have put pressure on her to agree.
3. adverts

If you place or put an advert in a newspaper, you pay for the advert to be printed in the newspaper.

We placed an advert in an evening paper.You could put an advert in the 'Mail'.


If you put something in a particular place or position, you move it into that place or position. The past tense and past participle of put is put, not 'putted'.

She put her hand on his armI put her suitcase on the table.

Put has several other meanings. For some of its meanings, you can use place instead of 'put'.


Past participle: put
Gerund: putting
I put
you put
he/she/it puts
we put
you put
they put
I put
you put
he/she/it put
we put
you put
they put
Present Continuous
I am putting
you are putting
he/she/it is putting
we are putting
you are putting
they are putting
Present Perfect
I have put
you have put
he/she/it has put
we have put
you have put
they have put
Past Continuous
I was putting
you were putting
he/she/it was putting
we were putting
you were putting
they were putting
Past Perfect
I had put
you had put
he/she/it had put
we had put
you had put
they had put
I will put
you will put
he/she/it will put
we will put
you will put
they will put
Future Perfect
I will have put
you will have put
he/she/it will have put
we will have put
you will have put
they will have put
Future Continuous
I will be putting
you will be putting
he/she/it will be putting
we will be putting
you will be putting
they will be putting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been putting
you have been putting
he/she/it has been putting
we have been putting
you have been putting
they have been putting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been putting
you will have been putting
he/she/it will have been putting
we will have been putting
you will have been putting
they will have been putting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been putting
you had been putting
he/she/it had been putting
we had been putting
you had been putting
they had been putting
I would put
you would put
he/she/it would put
we would put
you would put
they would put
Past Conditional
I would have put
you would have put
he/she/it would have put
we would have put
you would have put
they would have put
Noun1.put - the option to sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given dateput optionstraddle, span - the act of sitting or standing astrideoption - the right to buy or sell property at an agreed price; the right is purchased and if it is not exercised by a stated date the money is forfeited
Verb1.put - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"lay, place, set, position, poseput in, stick in, inclose, insert, introduce, enclose - introduce; "Insert your ticket here"docket - place on the docket for legal action; "Only 5 of the 120 cases docketed were tried"cock - set the trigger of a firearm back for firingpostpose - place after another constituent in the sentence; "Japanese postposes the adpositions, whereas English preposes them"prepose - place before another constituent in the sentence; "English preposes the adpositions; Japanese postposes them"step - place (a ship's mast) in its stepput back, replace - put something back where it belongs; "replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it"; "please put the clean dishes back in the cabinet when you have washed them"stratify - form, arrange, or deposit in layers; "The fish are stratified in barrels"; "The rock was stratified by the force of the water"; "A statistician stratifies the list of names according to the addresses"plant - place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive; "Plant a spy in Moscow"; "plant bugs in the dissident's apartment"intersperse - place at intervals in or among; "intersperse exclamation marks in the text"snuggle, nestle - position comfortably; "The baby nestled her head in her mother's elbow"pile - place or lay as if in a pile; "The teacher piled work on the students until the parents protested"arrange, set up - put into a proper or systematic order; "arrange the books on the shelves in chronological order"superimpose, superpose, lay over - place on top of; "can you superimpose the two images?"superpose - place (one geometric figure) upon another so that their perimeters coincidepark - place temporarily; "park the car in the yard"; "park the children with the in-laws"; "park your bag in this locker"ensconce, settle - fix firmly; "He ensconced himself in the chair"dispose - place or put in a particular order; "the dots are unevenly disposed"emplace - put into place or position; "the box with the ancestors' ashes was emplaced on the top shelf of the house altar"emplace - provide a new emplacement for gunsship - place on board a ship; "ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel"underlay - put (something) under or beneath; "They underlaid the shingles with roofing paper"trench - set, plant, or bury in a trench; "trench the fallen soldiers"; "trench the vegetables"pigeonhole - place into a small compartmentshelve - place on a shelf; "shelve books"jar - place in a cylindrical vessel; "jar the jam"repose - to put something (eg trust) in something; "The nation reposed its confidence in the King"sign - place signs, as along a road; "sign an intersection"; "This road has been signed"middle - put in the middleparallelize - place parallel to one anotherbutt - place end to end without overlapping; "The frames must be butted at the joints"recess - put into a recess; "recess lights"reposition - place into another positionthrow, thrust - place or put with great energy; "She threw the blanket around the child"; "thrust the money in the hands of the beggar"tee, tee up - place on a tee; "tee golf balls"rack up - place in a rack; "rack pool balls"coffin - place into a coffin; "her body was coffined"bed - put to bed; "The children were bedded at ten o'clock"appose - place side by side or in close proximityplace down, put down, set down - cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place; "set down your bags here"sow, seed - place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth; "She sowed sunflower seeds"misplace - place or position wrongly; put in the wrong position; "misplaced modifiers"juxtapose - place side by side; "The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors"set down - put or settle into a position; "The hotel was set down at the bottom of the valley"bottle - put into bottles; "bottle the mineral water"bucket - put into a bucketbarrel - put in barrelsground - place or put on the groundpillow, rest - rest on or as if on a pillow; "pillow your head"mislay, misplace, lose - place (something) where one cannot find it again; "I misplaced my eyeglasses"upend - set, turn, or stand on end; "upend the box and empty the contents"seat, sit down, sit - show to a seat; assign a seat for; "The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith"seat - place in or on a seat; "the mother seated the toddler on the high chair"
2.put - cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation; "That song put me in awful good humor"; "put your ideas in writing"alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"put to sleep - help someone go to bed; "Mother put the baby to sleep"anaesthetise, anaesthetize, anesthetise, anesthetize, put under, put out - administer an anesthetic drug to; "The patient must be anesthetized before the operation"; "anesthetize the gum before extracting the teeth"can, tin, put up - preserve in a can or tin; "tinned foods are not very tasty"follow out, follow up, put through, carry out, follow through, implement, go through - pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue; "Did he go through with the treatment?"; "He implemented a new economic plan"; "She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal"put to sleep, put away - kill gently, as with an injection; "the cat was very ill and we had to put it to sleep"put through - connect by telephone; "the operator put a call through to Rio"put out, smother - deprive of the oxygen necessary for combustion; "smother fires"disconcert, flurry, confuse, put off - cause to feel embarrassment; "The constant attention of the young man confused her"demean, disgrace, degrade, take down, put down - reduce in worth or character, usually verbally; "She tends to put down younger women colleagues"; "His critics took him down after the lecture"dishearten, put off - take away the enthusiasm ofdouse, put out - put out, as of a candle or a light; "Douse the lights"
3.put - formulate in a particular style or language; "I wouldn't put it that way"; "She cast her request in very polite language"couch, redact, frame, castgive voice, phrase, word, articulate, formulate - put into words or an expression; "He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees"
4.put - attribute or give; "She put too much emphasis on her the last statement"; "He put all his efforts into this job"; "The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story"assignapply, employ, use, utilise, utilize - put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose; "use your head!"; "we only use Spanish at home"; "I can't use this tool"; "Apply a magnetic field here"; "This thinking was applied to many projects"; "How do you utilize this tool?"; "I apply this rule to get good results"; "use the plastic bags to store the food"; "He doesn't know how to use a computer"repose - put or confide something in a person or thing; "These philosophers reposed the law in the people"
5.put - make an investment; "Put money into bonds"invest, commit, placefund - invest money in government securitiesexpend, spend, drop - pay out; "spend money"roll over - re-invest (a previous investment) into a similar fund or security; "She rolled over her IRA"shelter - invest (money) so that it is not taxabletie up - invest so as to make unavailable for other purposes; "All my money is tied up in long-term investments"job, speculate - invest at a risk; "I bought this house not because I want to live in it but to sell it later at a good price, so I am speculating"buy into - buy stocks or shares of a company
6.put - estimate; "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M."place, setestimate, gauge, approximate, guess, judge - judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time); "I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds"
7.put - cause (someone) to undergo something; "He put her to the torture"subject - cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to; "He subjected me to his awful poetry"; "The sergeant subjected the new recruits to many drills"; "People in Chernobyl were subjected to radiation"
8.put - adapt; "put these words to music"music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous mannerarrange, set - adapt for performance in a different way; "set this poem to music"
9.put - arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events; "arrange my schedule"; "set up one's life"; "I put these memories with those of bygone times"arrange, order, set upcontemporise, contemporize, synchronise, synchronize - arrange or represent events so that they co-occur; "synchronize biblical events"phrase - divide, combine, or mark into phrases; "phrase a musical passage"organize, organise - cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea


verb1. place, leave, set, position, rest, park (informal), plant, establish, lay, stick (informal), settle, fix, lean, deposit, dump (informal), prop, lay down, put down, situate, set down, stow, bung (informal), plonk (informal) She put her bag on the floor.2. consign to, place, commit to, doom to, condemn to She was put in prison for her beliefs.3. impose, subject, levy, inflict The government has put a big tax on beer, wine and spirits.4. lay, place, set, pin, attach to, attribute to, ascribe to, impute to It's no good putting all the blame on me.5. express, say, state, word, phrase, set, pose, utter, frame, convey, articulate To put it bluntly, he doesn't give a damn.6. present, suggest, advance, propose, offer, forward, submit, tender, bring forward, proffer, posit, set before, lay before He sat there listening as we put our suggestions to him.7. estimate, value, judge, measure, establish, set, fix, guess, reckon, assess, calculate, evaluate, compute, gauge, guesstimate (informal) Early estimates put the cost of the damage at millions of pounds.8. assign to, place in, allocate to, consign to, bracket with, classify with, categorize with It's impossible to put this band into any category or style of music.put in for something apply for, try for, seek, request, ask for, put in an application for I decided to put in for a job as deputy secretary.put one over on someone outwit, trick, fool, take in, mislead, deceive, dupe, delude, bamboozle (informal), hoodwink, steal a march on, lead astray, pull a fast one on (informal), throw someone off the scent It was a chance to put one over on their rivals.put someone away (Informal) commit, confine, cage (informal), imprison, certify, institutionalize, incarcerate, put in prison, put behind bars, lock up or away He's insane! He should be put away for life.put someone down (Slang) humiliate, shame, crush, show up, reject, dismiss, condemn, slight, flame (informal), criticize, snub, have a go at (informal), deflate, denigrate, belittle, disparage, deprecate, mortify, diss (slang, chiefly U.S.) She's always putting her husband down in public.put someone down as something or someone regard as, see, rate, consider, judge, deem, view as, value as, esteem as, look upon as I would put him down as the most valuable asset this company has.put someone off1. discourage, intimidate, deter, daunt, dissuade, demoralize, scare off, dishearten We tried to visit the abbey but were put off by the queues.2. disconcert, confuse, unsettle, throw (informal), distress, rattle (informal), dismay, perturb, faze, discomfit, take the wind out of someone's sails, nonplus, abash All this noise is putting me off.put someone out1. inconvenience, trouble, upset, bother, disturb, impose upon, discomfit, discommode, incommode Thanks for the offer, but I couldn't put you out like that.2. annoy, anger, provoke, irritate, disturb, harass, confound, exasperate, disconcert, nettle, vex, perturb, irk, put on the spot, take the wind out of someone's sails, discountenance, discompose They were quite put out to find me in charge.put someone up1. accommodate, house, board, lodge, quarter, entertain, take someone in, billet, give someone lodging She asked if I could put her up for a few days.2. nominate, put forward, offer, present, propose, recommend, float, submit The new party is putting up 15 candidates for 22 seats.put someone up to something encourage, urge, persuade, prompt, incite, egg on, goad, put the idea into someone's head How do you know he asked me out? Did you put him up to it?put something about spread, circulate, broadcast, pass on, make public, publicize, disseminate, make known, bandy about They've been putting rumours about for months.put something across or over communicate, explain, clarify, express, get through, convey, make clear, spell out, get across, make yourself understood The opposition parties were hampered from putting across their message.put something aside or by1. save, store, stockpile, deposit, hoard, cache, lay by, stow away, salt away, keep in reserve, squirrel away Encourage children to put some money aside each week.2. disregard, forget, ignore, bury, discount, set aside, pay no heed to We should put aside our differences and discuss this sensibly.put something away1. store away, replace, put back, tidy up, clear away, tidy away, return to its place She began putting away the dishes.2. save, set aside, put aside, keep, deposit, put by, stash away, store away He had been able to put away money, to insure against old age.3. (Informal) consume, devour, eat up, demolish (informal), hoover (informal), gobble, guzzle, polish off (informal), gulp down, wolf down, pig out on (informal) The food was superb, and we put away a fair amount of it.put something back1. postpone, delay, put off, defer, adjourn, hold over, reschedule The elections have been put back to October.2. replace, restore, put away, tidy away, return to its place He took his wallet out of his pocket and then put it back.put something down1. record, write down, list, enter, log, take down, inscribe, set down, transcribe, put in black and white Never put anything down on paper which might be used in evidence.2. repress, crush, suppress, check, silence, overthrow, squash, subdue, quash, quell, stamp out Soldiers went in to put down a rebellion.3. put to sleep, kill, destroy, do away with, put away, put out of its misery Magistrates ordered that the dog should be put down at once.put something down to something attribute to, blame on, ascribe to, set down to, impute to, chalk up to You may be a sceptic and put it down to coincidence.put something forward recommend, present, suggest, introduce, advance, propose, press, submit, tender, nominate, prescribe, move for, proffer He has put forward new peace proposals.put something in submit, present, enter, file, make, lodge Players are not allowed to leave unless they put in a transfer request.put something off postpone, delay, defer, adjourn, put back, hold over, reschedule, put on ice, put on the back burner (informal), take a rain check on (U.S. & Canad. informal) The Association has put the event off until December.put something on1. don, dress in, slip into, pull on, climb into, change into, throw on, get dressed in, fling on, pour yourself into, doll yourself up in She put on her coat and went out.2. present, stage, perform, do, show, produce, mount The band are putting on a UK show before the end of the year.3. provide, supply, lay on, run, furnish, make available They are putting on an extra flight to London tomorrow.4. add, gain, increase by I've put on a stone since I stopped training.5. switch on, turn on, activate, flick on I put on the light beside the bed.6. bet, back, place, chance, risk, lay, stake, hazard, wager They put £20 on Matthew scoring the first goal.7. fake, affect, assume, simulate, feign, make believe, play-act Anything becomes funny if you put on an American accent.put something out1. issue, release, publish, broadcast, bring out, circulate, make public, make known The French news agency put out a statement from the Trade Minister.2. extinguish, smother, blow out, stamp out, douse, snuff out, quench Firemen tried to free the injured and put out the blaze.put something up1. build, raise, set up, construct, erect, fabricate He was putting up a new fence round the garden.2. pin up, post, display, hang up, stick up, nail up They put up posters about the meeting in the village.3. offer, present, mount, put forward In the end they surrendered without putting up any resistance.4. provide, advance, invest, contribute, give, pay up, supply, come up with, pledge, donate, furnish, fork out (informal), cough up (informal), shell out (informal) The state agreed to put up the money to start his company.5. increase, raise, bump up (informal), jack up (informal), hike up (informal) They're putting up their prices.put up with something or someone (Informal) stand, suffer, bear, take, wear (Brit. informal), stomach, endure, swallow, brook, stand for, lump (informal), tolerate, hack (slang), abide, countenance I won't put up with this kind of behaviour from you.put upon someone take advantage of, trouble, abuse, harry, exploit, saddle, take for granted, put someone out, inconvenience, beset, overwork, impose upon, take for a fool Don't allow people to put upon you or take you for granted.


verb1. To deposit in a specified place:lay, place, set, stick.2. To calculate approximately:approximate, estimate, place, reckon, set.3. To establish and apply as compulsory:assess, exact, impose, levy.4. To put up as a stake in a game or speculation:bet, gamble, lay (down), post, risk, stake, venture, wager.Informal: go.5. To seek an answer to (a question):ask, pose, raise.6. To utter publicly:air, express, state, vent, ventilate.Idiom: come out with.7. To express in another language, while systematically retaining the original sense:construe, render, translate.8. To convey in language or words of a particular form:couch, express, formulate, phrase, word.phrasal verb
put away1. Informal. To eat completely or entirely:consume, devour, dispatch, eat up.Informal: polish off.2. Informal. To take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully:destroy, finish (off), kill, liquidate, murder, slay.Slang: bump off, do in, knock off, off, rub out, waste, wipe out, zap.phrasal verb
put byTo reserve for the future:keep, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay in, lay up, salt away, save (up), set by.phrasal verb
put downTo bring to an end forcibly as if by imposing a heavy weight:choke off, crush, extinguish, quash, quell, quench, squash, squelch, suppress.Idiom: put the lid on.phrasal verb
put forthTo put forward (a topic) for discussion:bring up, broach, introduce, moot, raise.phrasal verb
put forwardTo state, as an idea, for consideration:advance, offer, pose, propose, propound, set forth, submit, suggest.phrasal verb
put in1. To ask for employment, acceptance, or admission:apply, petition.2. To spend or complete (time), as a prison term:serve.Informal: do.3. To use time in a particular way:pass, spend.4. Nautical. To come or go into (a place):come in, enter, go in, penetrate.Idioms: gain entrance, set foot in.phrasal verb
put offTo offer or put into circulation (an inferior or spurious item):fob off, foist, palm off, pass off.phrasal verb
put on1. To put (an article of clothing) on one's person:assume, don, get on, pull on, slip into, slip on.2. To behave affectedly or insincerely or take on a false or misleading appearance of:act, counterfeit, dissemble, fake, feign, play-act, pose, pretend, sham, simulate.3. To take on or give a false appearance of:affect, assume, counterfeit, fake, feign, pretend, sham, simulate.Idiom: make believe.4. To produce on the stage:act (out), do, dramatize, enact, give, perform, present, stage.phrasal verb
put out1. To cause to stop burning or giving light:douse, extinguish, quench, snuff out.2. To bring to bear steadily or forcefully:exercise, exert, ply, throw, wield.3. To present for circulation, exhibit, or sale:bring out, issue, publish.4. To cause inconvenience for:discomfort, discommode, incommode, inconvenience, trouble.5. To trouble the nerves or peace of mind of, especially by repeated vexations:aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, chafe, disturb, exasperate, fret, gall, get, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, provoke, rile, ruffle, vex.Idioms: get in one's hair, get on one's nerves, get under one's skin.phrasal verb
put throughTo bring about and carry to a successful conclusion:bring off, carry out, carry through, effect, effectuate, execute.Informal: swing.phrasal verb
put togetherTo create by forming, combining, or altering materials:assemble, build, construct, fabricate, fashion, forge, frame, make, manufacture, mold, produce, shape.phrasal verb
put up1. To raise upright:erect, pitch, raise, rear, set up, upraise, uprear.2. To make or form (a structure):build, construct, erect, raise, rear.3. To prepare (food) for storage and future use:can, conserve, preserve.4. To provide with often temporary lodging:accommodate, bed (down), berth, bestow, billet, board, bunk, domicile, harbor, house, lodge, quarter, room.


(put) present participle ˈputting: past tense, past participle put verb1. to place in a certain position or situation. He put the plate in the cupboard; Did you put any sugar in my coffee?; He put his arm round her; I'm putting a new lock on the door; You're putting too much strain on that rope; When did the Russians first put a man into space?; You've put me in a bad temper; Can you put (=translate) this sentence into French? 放,擺 放,摆 2. to submit or present (a proposal, question etc). I put several questions to him; She put her ideas before the committee. 提出 提出3. to express in words. He put his refusal very politely; Children sometimes have such a funny way of putting things! 表達 表达4. to write down. I'm trying to write a letter to her, but I don't know what to put. 下筆寫(文章等),陳述 下笔写(文章等),陈述 5. to sail in a particular direction. We put out to sea; The ship put into harbour for repairs. 航行 航行ˈput-on adjective pretended; not genuine. a put-on foreign accent; Her accent sounded put-on. 假裝的 假装的a put-up job something done to give a false appearance, in order to cheat or trick someone. 預先佈置好的勾當,騙局 预先布置好的勾当,骗局 put about to spread (news etc). 散佈,宣傳 散布,宣传 put across/over to convey or communicate (ideas etc) to others. He's very good at putting his ideas across. 傳達,使被接受 传达,使被接受 put aside1. to abandon (work etc) temporarily. She put aside her needlework. 把...擱在一邊 把...搁在一边2. to save or preserve for the future. He tries to put aside a little money each month. 儲存...備用 储存...备用put away to return to its proper place, especially out of sight. She put her clothes away in the drawer. 收起來放回原處 把...收起来,放好 put back to return to its proper place. Did you put my keys back? 把...放回原處 把...放回原处put by to save or preserve for the future. I have put by some money for emergencies. 儲存...備用 储存...备用put down1. to lower. The teacher asked the pupil to put his hand down. 放下 放下2. to place on the floor or other surface, out of one's hands. Put that knife down immediately! 放下(表示放在地上或它物上) 放下(表示放在地上或它物上) 3. to subdue (a rebellion etc). 平定,鎮壓 平定,镇压 4. to kill (an animal) painlessly when it is old or very ill. 屠宰 屠宰put down for to write the name of (someone) on a list etc for a particular purpose. You have been put down for the one hundred metres' race. 記下...的姓名 记下...的姓名put one's feet up to take a rest. 歇腳,休息 歇脚,休息 put forth (of plants etc) to produce (leaves, shoots etc). 長出 长出put in1. to insert or install. We're having a new shower put in. 插入,安裝 插入,安装 2. to do (a certain amount of work etc). He put in an hour's training today. 從事(一段時間的工作) 干(一段时间的工作) put in for to apply for, or claim. Are you putting in for that job? 申請 申请put off1. to switch off (a light etc). Please put the light off! 關掉 关掉2. to delay; to postpone. He put off leaving / his departure till Thursday. 推遲 推迟3. to cancel an arranged meeting etc with (a person). I had to put the Browns off because I had 'flu. 取消(約會) 取消(约会) 4. to cause (a person) to feel disgust or dislike (for). The cheese looked nice but the smell put me off; The conversation about illness put me off my dinner. 使厭惡 使厌恶put on1. to switch on (a light etc). Put the light on! 開(燈) 开(灯) 2. to dress oneself in. Which shoes are you going to put on? 穿,戴 穿,戴 3. to add or increase. The car put on speed; I've put on weight. 增加 增加4. to present or produce (a play etc). They're putting on `Hamlet' next week. 上演(戲劇等) 上演(戏剧等) 5. to provide (eg transport). They always put on extra buses between 8.00 and 9.00 a.m. 添加 添加6. to make a false show of; to pretend. She said she felt ill, but she was just putting it on. 假裝,偽稱有 假装,伪称有 7. to bet (money) on. I've put a pound on that horse to win. 打賭 打赌put out1. to extend (a hand etc). He put out his hand to steady her. 伸出 伸出2. (of plants etc) to produce (shoots, leaves etc). 長出,生產 长出,生产 3. to extinguish (a fire, light etc). The fire brigade soon put out the fire. 撲滅,熄滅 扑灭,熄灭 4. to issue, give out. They put out a distress call. 發放 发放5. to cause bother or trouble to. Don't put yourself out for my sake! 打擾 打扰6. to annoy. I was put out by his decision. 使煩惱,使生氣 使烦恼,使生气 put through1. to arrange (a deal, agreement etc). 安排 安排2. to connect by telephone. I'm trying to put you through (to London). (由電話)接通 (由电话)接通 put together to construct. The vase broke, but I managed to put it together again. 使...成為整體,裝配 使...成为整体,装配 put up1. to raise (a hand etc). 舉起 举起2. to build; to erect. They're putting up some new houses. 建造,搭起 建造,搭起 3. to fix on a wall etc. He put the poster up. 張貼 张贴4. to increase (a price etc). They're putting up the fees again. 擡高(價格等) 抬高(价格等) 5. to offer or show (resistance etc). He's putting up a brave fight. 表示要,施以 表示要,施以 6. to provide (money) for a purpose. He promised to put up the money for the scheme. 提供(資金等) 提供(资金等) 7. to provide a bed etc for (a person) in one's home. Can you put us up next Thursday night? 提供食宿 提供食宿put up to to persuade (a person) to do something. Who put you up to writing that letter? 說服...做某事,唆使...做某事 说服...做某事,唆使...做某事 put up with to bear patiently. I cannot put up with all this noise. 忍受 忍受
The job of the fire brigade is to put out (not put off) fires.


  • I'd like to put my jewelry in the safe (US)
    I would like to put my jewellery in the safe (UK) → 我想把珠宝放入保险柜
  • I'd like to put my valuables in the safe → 我想把值钱的东西放入保险柜
  • Put that in the safe, please → 请把那个放入保险柜
  • Put it down over there, please → 请把它放到那儿去
  • Put it on my bill → 记在我的账单上
  • Could you put these photos on CD, please? (US)
    Can you put these photos on CD, please? (UK) → 请把这些照片转到光盘上



/have all (one's) eggs in one basket Informal To risk everything on a single venture.


/lay (one's) cards on the table To make frank and clear revelation, as of one's motives or intentions.


/set (one's) house in order To organize one's affairs in a sensible, logical way.
  • (one) puts (one's) pants on one leg at a time
  • a price on head
  • a put-up job
  • at ease
  • at loose ends
  • back on track
  • be hard put
  • be hard put to
  • be hard put to (do something)
  • be put behind bars
  • be put in (one's) place
  • be put out of business
  • be put out of humour
  • be put out of sorts
  • be put out to grass
  • be put through the hoop
  • be put through the mangle
  • be put through the wringer
  • be put to death
  • be put to it
  • be put to rest
  • be put to rights
  • be put to the sword
  • be put upon
  • behind bars
  • behind the eight ball
  • black book, (put) in one's
  • brave face, put on a
  • bring (something) into play
  • bring down the shutters
  • bring/call/put something into play
  • bring/put down the shutters
  • bring/put something into effect
  • call (something) into play
  • can't put a name to (someone)
  • cards on the table, to lay/put one's
  • cart before the horse, don't put/set the
  • cart before the horse, put the
  • clamp down on
  • don't put all your eggs in one basket
  • Don't put the cart before the horse
  • flesh out
  • foot in one's mouth, put one's
  • for two cents
  • get (one's) back up
  • get (one's) nose out of joint
  • get (one's) skates on
  • get (something) in(to) perspective
  • get (something) out of perspective
  • get dander up
  • get nose out of joint and have nose out of joint; put nose out of ...
  • get on feet
  • get one over on (one)
  • get someone's back up
  • get, put, etc. something in/out of perspective
  • get/pour/put a quart into a pint pot
  • get/put one over on somebody/something
  • get/put somebody's back up
  • get/put your skates on
  • give (oneself) airs
  • give teeth to
  • give yourself/put on airs
  • go into reverse
  • go on record
  • go through/put somebody through the mill
  • go/put somebody through the wringer
  • go/put something into reverse
  • Hands up!
  • hard put
  • hard put to (do something)
  • hard put to do something
  • hard put, be
  • hard yards
  • hat in the ring, to put/throw one's
  • have on
  • have the/(one's) feelers out
  • have/put skin in the game
  • He puts his pants on one leg at a time
  • heart in it, have one's
  • hold a gun to (one's) head
  • hold a gun to someone's head
  • hold a pistol to (one's) head
  • hold/put a gun to somebody's head
  • I wouldn't put it past (someone)
  • I wouldn't put it past somebody
  • I'll put a stop to that
  • in a bad mood
  • in apple-pie order
  • in effect
  • in harm's way
  • in limbo
  • in one's way
  • in orbit
  • in order
  • in over head
  • in perspective
  • in place
  • in play
  • in the back of mind
  • in the doghouse
  • in the doldrums
  • in the gutter
  • in the hole
  • in the middle of nowhere
  • in the open
  • in the picture, be
  • in writing
  • insert between
  • keep a lid on (something)
  • keep the lid on (something)
  • keep the lid on something
  • keep/put a/the lid on something
  • keep/put the pedal to the metal
  • lay (one's) head on the block
  • lay (one's) neck on the block
  • lay a finger on
  • lay at door
  • lay at feet
  • lay cards on the table
  • lay hands on
  • lay it on the line
  • lay on
  • lay one's cards on the table
  • lay out the welcome mat (for one)
  • lay some sweet lines on
  • lay some sweet lines on someone
  • lay something to rest
  • lay your cards on the table
  • lay, put, roll, etc. out the welcome mat
  • leave (something) on one side
  • leave (something) to one side
  • leave/put something on/to one side
  • lid on
  • monkey wrench in the works, put/throw a
  • nail in one's coffin, drive/put a
  • never put off until tomorrow
  • Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  • nose out of joint, have one's
  • nose out of joint, to have one's/put someone's
  • not know where to put (oneself)
  • not know where to put yourself
  • not put (one's) finger on (something)
  • not put (something) past (one)
  • not put a foot wrong
  • not put it past
  • not put it past (someone)
  • not put it past someone
  • not put something past someone
  • not put stock in (something)
  • not put your finger on something
  • not to put too fine a point on it
  • not/never put/set a foot wrong
  • off game
  • off the track
  • on a diet
  • on a pedestal
  • on a pedestal, put
  • on hold
  • on ice
  • on its feet
  • on shoulders
  • on the back burner
  • on the block
  • on the carpet, to be/call/put
  • on the cuff
  • on the front burner
  • on the market
  • on the spot
  • on track
  • out in the cold
  • out of business
  • out on a limb
  • over a barrel
  • pick up what (one) is putting down
  • pin one's hopes on, to
  • place before
  • pull a fast one
  • put
  • put (an animal) down
  • put (one) at (one's) ease
  • put (one) at a disadvantage
  • put (one) back on (one's) heels
  • put (one) behind bars
  • put (one) down
  • put (one) down for
  • put (one) in (one's) place
  • put (one) in an awkward position
  • put (one) in mind of (someone or something)
  • put (one) in power
  • put (one) in the dock
  • put (one) in the way of (something)
  • put (one) in touch with (someone or something)
  • put (one) into power
  • put (one) off (one's) stride
  • put (one) off (one's) stroke
  • put (one) off (something)
  • put (one) off the scent
  • put (one) off the track
  • put (one) off the trail
  • put (one) on
  • put (one) on (one's) honor
  • put (one) on (one's) mettle
  • put (one) on a diet
  • put (one) on blast
  • put (one) on guard
  • put (one) on hold
  • put (one) on notice
  • put (one) on the griddle
  • put (one) on the hot seat
  • put (one) on the shelf
  • put (one) on the spot
  • put (one) out of (something or some place)
  • put (one) through (one's) facings
  • put (one) through (one's) paces
  • put (one) through (to someone)
  • put (one) through hell
  • put (one) through it
  • put (one) through the hoops
  • put (one) through the mill
  • put (one) through the wringer
  • put (one) to a lot of expense
  • put (one) to bed with a shovel
  • put (one) to death
  • put (one) to flight
  • put (one) to great expense
  • put (one) to sleep
  • put (one) to the expense of (doing) (something)
  • put (one) to work
  • put (one) under
  • put (one) up against (someone)
  • put (one) up for (something)
  • put (one) up to (something)
  • put (one) wise
  • put (one's) (own) house in order
  • put (one's) affairs in order
  • put (one's) back into (something)
  • put (one's) back to (something)
  • put (one's) back up
  • put (one's) backbone into (something)
  • put (one's) best foot forward
  • put (one's) butt on the line
  • put (one's) cards on the table
  • put (one's) eye out
  • put (one's) face on
  • put (one's) feet up
  • put (one's) finger in the dyke
  • put (one's) finger on (something)
  • put (one's) foot down
  • put (one's) foot in (one's) mouth
  • put (one's) foot in it
  • put (one's) foot to the floor
  • put (one's) hair up
  • put (one's) hand in (one's) pocket
  • put (one's) hand into (one's) pocket
  • put (one's) hand on (one's) heart
  • put (one's) hand to (something)
  • put (one's) hand to the plough
  • put (one's) hand to the plow
  • put (one's) hand up
  • put (one's) hands on (someone or something)
  • put (one's) hands together (for someone or something)
  • put (one's) hands up
  • put (one's) hat in(to) the ring
  • put (one's) head above the parapet
  • put (one's) head down
  • put (one's) head in a noose
  • put (one's) head in the lion's mouth
  • put (one's) head in the wolf's mouth
  • put (one's) head on the block
  • put (one's) heart (and soul) into (something)
  • put (one's) heart and soul into (something)
  • put (one's) John Hancock on
  • put (one's) life on the line
  • put (one's) lights out
  • put (one's) mind at ease
  • put (one's) mind at rest
  • put (one's) mind to (something)
  • put (one's) mind to rest
  • put (one's) money on (something)
  • put (one's) money where (one's) mouth is
  • put (one's) monkey up
  • put (one's) name in the hat
  • put (one's) neck on the block
  • put (one's) neck on the line
  • put (one's) nose (in) where it's not wanted
  • put (one's) nose in(to) (something)
  • put (one's) nose out of joint
  • put (one's) nose to the grindstone
  • put (one's) oar in(to) (something)
  • put (one's) pants on one leg at a time (just like everybody else)
  • put (one's) pot on
  • put (one's) seal on (something)
  • put (one's) seal to (something)
  • put (one's) shirt on (something)
  • put (one's) shoulder to the wheel
  • put (one's) skates on
  • put (one's) stamp on (something)
  • put (one's) tail up
  • put (one's) thinking cap on
  • put (one's) trousers on one leg at a time (just like everybody else)
  • put (one's) two cents in
  • put (one's) two cents' worth in
  • put (one's) weight behind (someone or something)
  • put (oneself) across
  • put (oneself) at (one's) ease
  • put (oneself) in (someone's) place
  • put (oneself) in (someone's) shoes
  • put (oneself) on the line
  • put (oneself) out
  • put (out) on the street
  • put (out) to sea
  • put (some time) in on (something)
  • put (someone or something) (up) on a pedestal
  • put (someone or something) above (someone or something)
  • put (someone or something) ahead of (someone or something)
  • put (someone or something) among (someone or something)
  • put (someone or something) before
  • put (someone or something) down as (something)
  • put (someone or something) first
  • put (someone or something) in a hole
  • put (someone or something) in front of (someone or something)
  • put (someone or something) in jeopardy
  • put (someone or something) in the shade
  • put (someone or something) next to (someone or something else)
  • put (someone or something) on ice
  • put (someone or something) out of (one's) head
  • put (someone or something) out of (one's) mind
  • put (someone or something) out of business
  • put (someone or something) out of its/(one's) misery
  • put (someone or something) out to grass
  • put (someone or something) out to pasture
  • put (someone or something) over the top
  • put (someone or something) through (something)
  • put (someone or something) through the ringer
  • put (someone or something) to bed
  • put (someone or something) to rest
  • put (someone or something) to shame
  • put (someone or something) to the test
  • put (someone or something) to use
  • put (someone or something) under a microscope
  • put (someone or something) under the microscope
  • put (someone) in a bad mood
  • put (someone) in harm's way
  • put (someone) in the picture
  • put (someone) out of humour
  • put (someone) out of sorts
  • put (someone) over (one's) knee
  • put (someone) right
  • put (someone) through the hoop
  • put (someone) through the mangle
  • put (someone) to the sword
  • put (someone) under the cosh
  • put (someone) under the pump
  • put (someone) up with (one)
  • put (someone, something, or oneself) at (one's) disposal
  • put (someone, something, or some place) on the map
  • put (someone's) teeth on edge
  • put (something) (down) on paper
  • put (something) aside
  • put (something) at
  • put (something) at (some amount of money)
  • put (something) at a premium
  • put (something) behind (someone or something)
  • put (something) by
  • put (something) down in black and white
  • put (something) down in writing
  • put (something) down to (something else)
  • put (something) down to experience
  • put (something) in (one's) head
  • put (something) in apple-pie order
  • put (something) in layaway
  • put (something) in mothballs
  • put (something) in motion
  • put (something) in order
  • put (something) in print
  • put (something) in quotes
  • put (something) in service
  • put (something) in use
  • put (something) in(to) perspective
  • put (something) into (one's) head
  • put (something) into action
  • put (something) into effect
  • put (something) into operation
  • put (something) into order
  • put (something) into plain English
  • put (something) into plain language
  • put (something) into play
  • put (something) into practice
  • put (something) into reverse
  • put (something) into service
  • put (something) into use
  • put (something) into words
  • put (something) on hold
  • put (something) on one side
  • put (something) on the back burner
  • put (something) on the block
  • put (something) on the cuff
  • put (something) on the front burner
  • put (something) on the long finger
  • put (something) on the market
  • put (something) on the shelf
  • put (something) out of perspective
  • put (something) over on (one)
  • put (something) past (someone)
  • put (something) plainly
  • put (something) right
  • put (something) through its paces
  • put (something) to a/the vote
  • put (something) to good account
  • put (something) to good use
  • put (something) to one side
  • put (something) to rights
  • put (something) to sleep
  • put (something) to the torch
  • put (something) to work
  • put (something) toward (something)
  • put (something) up for (something)
  • put a (monkey) wrench in(to) the works
  • put a bee in (one's) bonnet
  • put a bee in bonnet
  • put a bomb under
  • put a bomb under (someone or something)
  • put a bomb under something
  • put a brave face on (something)
  • put a brave face on something
  • put a brave front on
  • put a bug in (one's) ear
  • put a bug in ear
  • put a bug in someone's ear
  • put a cap on
  • put a cap on (something)
  • put a con on (one)
  • put a con on someone
  • put a contract out on
  • put a contract out on (one)
  • put a cork in it
  • Put a cork in it!
  • put a crimp in
  • put a crimp in/on something
  • put a dampener on (something)
  • put a damper on
  • put a damper on (something)
  • put a damper on something
  • put a different complexion on (something)
  • put a dog off the scent
  • put a downer on (something)
  • put a downer on something
  • put a figure on (something)
  • put a figure on something
  • put a foot wrong
  • put a gloss on (something)
  • put a gloss on something
  • put a good face on
  • put a good/bold face on something, to
  • put a guilt trip on (one)
  • put a gun to (one's) head
  • put a gun to (someone's) head
  • put a halt to (something)
  • put a hit (out) on (one)
  • put a hold on
  • put a hold on (something)
  • put a horse out to pasture
  • put a jerk in it
  • put a lid on (something)
  • put a name to
  • put a name to (someone or something)
  • put a name to somebody/something
  • put a new complexion on (something)
  • put a new/different complexion on something
  • put a person's monkey up
  • put a pistol to (one's) head
  • put a plug in
  • put a plug in for (someone or something)
  • put a premium on
  • put a premium on (something)
  • put a premium on something
  • put a price (tag) on (something)
  • put a price on (someone's) head
  • put a price on something
  • put a rocket under (someone or something)
  • put a rope to the eye of a needle
  • put a smile on (one's) face
  • put a smile on face
  • put a smile on someone’s face
  • put a sock in it
  • Put a sock in it!
  • put a spanner in(to) the works
  • put a spin on
  • put a spin on (something)
  • put a spoke in (one's) wheel
  • put a spoke in somebody's wheel
  • put a spoke in someone's wheel
  • put a spotlight on (someone or something)
  • put a stop to
  • put a stop to (something)
  • put a stopper on



variant of PhutPhut
, in the Bible, son of Ham and eponym of an African people. It may also be a region, possibly Punt or Libya, and is perhaps the same as Pul (2.) It also appears as Put.
..... Click the link for more information.



the name of certain administrative units, under the jurisdiction of court officials serving the Russian princes. They existed from the 14th to the first half of the 16th century.

The puti supplied the court with various products. There were puti administered by the master of the stables (in charge of the prince’s horses, herds, and pastures), the hunt master (hunting), the falconer (falconry), the master of the table (fishing, orchards, and vegetable gardens), and the master of the cup (beekeeping). These officials, also known as putnye boyars, supervised servants living in the villages of the puti: falconers, gyr-falconers, beaver hunters, wild-hive beekeepers, vegetable and fruit gardeners, and so forth.

The Russian puti are comparable to the Mongol darugi, called dorogi in Russian sources. Although the puti were abolished about the middle of the 16th century, the term was occasionally used until the 17th century.


[pu̇t] (computer science) A programming instruction that causes data to be written from computer storage into a file.


Athletics a throw or cast, esp in putting the shot


In programming, a request to store the current record in an output file. Contrast with get.



An option—a right that operates as a continuing proposal—given in exchange for consideration—something of value—permitting its holder to sell a particular stock or commodity at a fixed price for a stated quantity and within a limited time period.

A put is purchased for a fee paid to the person who agrees to accept the stock or goods if they are offered. The purchaser of this right to sell expects the price of the stock or commodity to decrease so that he can deliver the stock or commodity at a profit. If the price rises, the option need not be exercised. The reverse transaction is a call.

TO PUT, pleading. To select, to demand; as, the said C D puts himself upon the country; that is, he selects the trial by jury, as the mode of settling the matter in dispute, and does not rely upon an issue in law. Gould, Pl. c. 6. part 1, Sec. 19.



An option granting the right to sell the underlying futures contract. Opposite of a call.

Put Option

An option contract in which the holder has the right but not the obligation to sell some underlying asset at an agreed-upon price on or before the expiration date of the contract, regardless of the prevailing market price of the underlying asset. One buys a put option if one believes the price for the underlying asset will fall by the end of the contract. If the price does fall, the holder may buy and resell the underlying asset for a profit. If the price does not fall, the option expires and the holder's loss is limited to the price of buying the contract. Put options may be used on their own or in conjunction with call options to create an option spread in order to hedge risk.


1. An option that conveys to its holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell a specific asset at a predetermined price until a certain date. In most cases, puts have 100 shares of stock as the underlying asset. For example, an investor may purchase a put option on GenCorp common stock that confers the right to sell 100 shares at $15 per share until September 21. Puts are sold for a fee by other investors who incur an obligation to purchase the asset if the option holder decides to sell. Investors purchase puts in order to take advantage of a decline in the price of the asset. Also called put option. Compare call. See also guarantee letter, synthetic put, transferable put right.2. Sale of an issue of bonds before maturity by forcing the issuer to buy at par. Few bond issues permit the holder this option.Putting things into perspective: How to hedge, using puts. How to speculate, using puts.

A put option has an inverse relationship to the underlying security. As the value of the stock increases, the value of the put decreases. Like calls, puts can be used for both hedging and speculation. Puts can be purchased in conjunction with stock ownership as a form of insurance (that is, a hedge) against downside loss on a stock. If the stock price declines, the put holder can either sell the put and keep the stock, or exercise the put and sell the stock at the put's strike price. In either case, the increased value of the option will offset the stock loss to some degree. If the stock price rises beyond a certain level, the put will expire worthless. In this case, the put holder will lose the premium paid for the option but will still participate in the upward stock movement. The break-even point occurs when the stock price advances beyond the put's strike price plus the premium. Puts also can be used speculatively without a position in the underlying security. Instead of selling a stock short, an investor who anticipates a decline in the price of a stock can buy an at-the-money put. If the stock price rises, causing the put to expire worthless, the maximum loss is the premium paid for the put. But if the stock price declines substantially, the investor could make profits that far exceed the initial cost of the put.

Henry Nothnagel, Senior Vice President—Options, Wachovia Securities, Inc., Chicago, IL


To force the seller of a put option to purchase shares of stock at the stipulated price. Puts are exercised by the owner only when the market price of the underlying stock is less than the strike price. Also called put to seller.


PUTPick Up Truck
PUTPolice Unity Tour
PUTPoznan University of Technology (Poznan, Poland)
PUTProduct Under Test
PUTPurchase Upon Termination (lease option)
PUTPower-Up Test
PUTProgrammable Unijunction Transistor
PUTPetroleum University of Technology (Iran)
PUTParameterized Unit Test (software engineering)
PUTPersons Using Television (aka People Using Television; viewer ratings)
PUTProgram Update Tape
PUTPottstown Urban Transit
PUTPort Under Test
PUTPilot Upgrade Training
PUTParagraph Understanding Test (Australia)


  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for put

verb place


  • place
  • leave
  • set
  • position
  • rest
  • park
  • plant
  • establish
  • lay
  • stick
  • settle
  • fix
  • lean
  • deposit
  • dump
  • prop
  • lay down
  • put down
  • situate
  • set down
  • stow
  • bung
  • plonk

verb consign to


  • consign to
  • place
  • commit to
  • doom to
  • condemn to

verb impose


  • impose
  • subject
  • levy
  • inflict

verb lay


  • lay
  • place
  • set
  • pin
  • attach to
  • attribute to
  • ascribe to
  • impute to

verb express


  • express
  • say
  • state
  • word
  • phrase
  • set
  • pose
  • utter
  • frame
  • convey
  • articulate

verb present


  • present
  • suggest
  • advance
  • propose
  • offer
  • forward
  • submit
  • tender
  • bring forward
  • proffer
  • posit
  • set before
  • lay before

verb estimate


  • estimate
  • value
  • judge
  • measure
  • establish
  • set
  • fix
  • guess
  • reckon
  • assess
  • calculate
  • evaluate
  • compute
  • gauge
  • guesstimate

verb assign to


  • assign to
  • place in
  • allocate to
  • consign to
  • bracket with
  • classify with
  • categorize with

phrase put in for something


  • apply for
  • try for
  • seek
  • request
  • ask for
  • put in an application for

phrase put one over on someone


  • outwit
  • trick
  • fool
  • take in
  • mislead
  • deceive
  • dupe
  • delude
  • bamboozle
  • hoodwink
  • steal a march on
  • lead astray
  • pull a fast one on
  • throw someone off the scent

phrase put someone away


  • commit
  • confine
  • cage
  • imprison
  • certify
  • institutionalize
  • incarcerate
  • put in prison
  • put behind bars
  • lock up or away

phrase put someone down


  • humiliate
  • shame
  • crush
  • show up
  • reject
  • dismiss
  • condemn
  • slight
  • flame
  • criticize
  • snub
  • have a go at
  • deflate
  • denigrate
  • belittle
  • disparage
  • deprecate
  • mortify
  • diss

phrase put someone down as something or someone


  • regard as
  • see
  • rate
  • consider
  • judge
  • deem
  • view as
  • value as
  • esteem as
  • look upon as

phrase put someone off: discourage


  • discourage
  • intimidate
  • deter
  • daunt
  • dissuade
  • demoralize
  • scare off
  • dishearten

phrase put someone off: disconcert


  • disconcert
  • confuse
  • unsettle
  • throw
  • distress
  • rattle
  • dismay
  • perturb
  • faze
  • discomfit
  • take the wind out of someone's sails
  • nonplus
  • abash

phrase put someone out: inconvenience


  • inconvenience
  • trouble
  • upset
  • bother
  • disturb
  • impose upon
  • discomfit
  • discommode
  • incommode

phrase put someone out: annoy


  • annoy
  • anger
  • provoke
  • irritate
  • disturb
  • harass
  • confound
  • exasperate
  • disconcert
  • nettle
  • vex
  • perturb
  • irk
  • put on the spot
  • take the wind out of someone's sails
  • discountenance
  • discompose

phrase put someone up: accommodate


  • accommodate
  • house
  • board
  • lodge
  • quarter
  • entertain
  • take someone in
  • billet
  • give someone lodging

phrase put someone up: nominate


  • nominate
  • put forward
  • offer
  • present
  • propose
  • recommend
  • float
  • submit

phrase put someone up to something


  • encourage
  • urge
  • persuade
  • prompt
  • incite
  • egg on
  • goad
  • put the idea into someone's head

phrase put something about


  • spread
  • circulate
  • broadcast
  • pass on
  • make public
  • publicize
  • disseminate
  • make known
  • bandy about

phrase put something across or over


  • communicate
  • explain
  • clarify
  • express
  • get through
  • convey
  • make clear
  • spell out
  • get across
  • make yourself understood

phrase put something aside or by: save


  • save
  • store
  • stockpile
  • deposit
  • hoard
  • cache
  • lay by
  • stow away
  • salt away
  • keep in reserve
  • squirrel away

phrase put something aside or by: disregard


  • disregard
  • forget
  • ignore
  • bury
  • discount
  • set aside
  • pay no heed to

phrase put something away: store away


  • store away
  • replace
  • put back
  • tidy up
  • clear away
  • tidy away
  • return to its place

phrase put something away: save


  • save
  • set aside
  • put aside
  • keep
  • deposit
  • put by
  • stash away
  • store away

phrase put something away: consume


  • consume
  • devour
  • eat up
  • demolish
  • hoover
  • gobble
  • guzzle
  • polish off
  • gulp down
  • wolf down
  • pig out on

phrase put something back: postpone


  • postpone
  • delay
  • put off
  • defer
  • adjourn
  • hold over
  • reschedule

phrase put something back: replace


  • replace
  • restore
  • put away
  • tidy away
  • return to its place

phrase put something down: record


  • record
  • write down
  • list
  • enter
  • log
  • take down
  • inscribe
  • set down
  • transcribe
  • put in black and white

phrase put something down: repress


  • repress
  • crush
  • suppress
  • check
  • silence
  • overthrow
  • squash
  • subdue
  • quash
  • quell
  • stamp out

phrase put something down: put to sleep


  • put to sleep
  • kill
  • destroy
  • do away with
  • put away
  • put out of its misery

phrase put something down to something


  • attribute to
  • blame on
  • ascribe to
  • set down to
  • impute to
  • chalk up to

phrase put something forward


  • recommend
  • present
  • suggest
  • introduce
  • advance
  • propose
  • press
  • submit
  • tender
  • nominate
  • prescribe
  • move for
  • proffer

phrase put something in


  • submit
  • present
  • enter
  • file
  • make
  • lodge

phrase put something off


  • postpone
  • delay
  • defer
  • adjourn
  • put back
  • hold over
  • reschedule
  • put on ice
  • put on the back burner
  • take a rain check on

phrase put something on: don


  • don
  • dress in
  • slip into
  • pull on
  • climb into
  • change into
  • throw on
  • get dressed in
  • fling on
  • pour yourself into
  • doll yourself up in

phrase put something on: present


  • present
  • stage
  • perform
  • do
  • show
  • produce
  • mount

phrase put something on: provide


  • provide
  • supply
  • lay on
  • run
  • furnish
  • make available

phrase put something on: add


  • add
  • gain
  • increase by

phrase put something on: switch on


  • switch on
  • turn on
  • activate
  • flick on

phrase put something on: bet


  • bet
  • back
  • place
  • chance
  • risk
  • lay
  • stake
  • hazard
  • wager

phrase put something on: fake


  • fake
  • affect
  • assume
  • simulate
  • feign
  • make believe
  • play-act

phrase put something out: issue


  • issue
  • release
  • publish
  • broadcast
  • bring out
  • circulate
  • make public
  • make known

phrase put something out: extinguish


  • extinguish
  • smother
  • blow out
  • stamp out
  • douse
  • snuff out
  • quench

phrase put something up: build


  • build
  • raise
  • set up
  • construct
  • erect
  • fabricate

phrase put something up: pin up


  • pin up
  • post
  • display
  • hang up
  • stick up
  • nail up

phrase put something up: offer


  • offer
  • present
  • mount
  • put forward

phrase put something up: provide


  • provide
  • advance
  • invest
  • contribute
  • give
  • pay up
  • supply
  • come up with
  • pledge
  • donate
  • furnish
  • fork out
  • cough up
  • shell out

phrase put something up: increase


  • increase
  • raise
  • bump up
  • jack up
  • hike up

phrase put up with something or someone


  • stand
  • suffer
  • bear
  • take
  • wear
  • stomach
  • endure
  • swallow
  • brook
  • stand for
  • lump
  • tolerate
  • hack
  • abide
  • countenance

phrase put upon someone


  • take advantage of
  • trouble
  • abuse
  • harry
  • exploit
  • saddle
  • take for granted
  • put someone out
  • inconvenience
  • beset
  • overwork
  • impose upon
  • take for a fool

Synonyms for put

verb to deposit in a specified place


  • lay
  • place
  • set
  • stick

verb to calculate approximately


  • approximate
  • estimate
  • place
  • reckon
  • set

verb to establish and apply as compulsory


  • assess
  • exact
  • impose
  • levy

verb to put up as a stake in a game or speculation


  • bet
  • gamble
  • lay
  • post
  • risk
  • stake
  • venture
  • wager
  • go

verb to seek an answer to (a question)


  • ask
  • pose
  • raise

verb to utter publicly


  • air
  • express
  • state
  • vent
  • ventilate

verb to express in another language, while systematically retaining the original sense


  • construe
  • render
  • translate

verb to convey in language or words of a particular form


  • couch
  • express
  • formulate
  • phrase
  • word

phrase put away: to eat completely or entirely


  • consume
  • devour
  • dispatch
  • eat up
  • polish off

phrase put away: to take the life of (a person or persons) unlawfully


  • destroy
  • finish
  • kill
  • liquidate
  • murder
  • slay
  • bump off
  • do in
  • knock off
  • off
  • rub out
  • waste
  • wipe out
  • zap

phrase put by: to reserve for the future


  • keep
  • lay aside
  • lay away
  • lay by
  • lay in
  • lay up
  • salt away
  • save
  • set by

phrase put down: to bring to an end forcibly as if by imposing a heavy weight


  • choke off
  • crush
  • extinguish
  • quash
  • quell
  • quench
  • squash
  • squelch
  • suppress

phrase put forth: to put forward (a topic) for discussion


  • bring up
  • broach
  • introduce
  • moot
  • raise

phrase put forward: to state, as an idea, for consideration


  • advance
  • offer
  • pose
  • propose
  • propound
  • set forth
  • submit
  • suggest

phrase put in: to ask for employment, acceptance, or admission


  • apply
  • petition

phrase put in: to spend or complete (time), as a prison term


  • serve
  • do

phrase put in: to use time in a particular way


  • pass
  • spend

phrase put in: to come or go into (a place)


  • come in
  • enter
  • go in
  • penetrate

phrase put off: to offer or put into circulation (an inferior or spurious item)


  • fob off
  • foist
  • palm off
  • pass off

phrase put on: to put (an article of clothing) on one's person


  • assume
  • don
  • get on
  • pull on
  • slip into
  • slip on

phrase put on: to behave affectedly or insincerely or take on a false or misleading appearance of


  • act
  • counterfeit
  • dissemble
  • fake
  • feign
  • play-act
  • pose
  • pretend
  • sham
  • simulate

phrase put on: to take on or give a false appearance of


  • affect
  • assume
  • counterfeit
  • fake
  • feign
  • pretend
  • sham
  • simulate

phrase put on: to produce on the stage


  • act
  • do
  • dramatize
  • enact
  • give
  • perform
  • present
  • stage

phrase put out: to cause to stop burning or giving light


  • douse
  • extinguish
  • quench
  • snuff out

phrase put out: to bring to bear steadily or forcefully


  • exercise
  • exert
  • ply
  • throw
  • wield

phrase put out: to present for circulation, exhibit, or sale


  • bring out
  • issue
  • publish

phrase put out: to cause inconvenience for


  • discomfort
  • discommode
  • incommode
  • inconvenience
  • trouble

phrase put out: to trouble the nerves or peace of mind of, especially by repeated vexations


  • aggravate
  • annoy
  • bother
  • bug
  • chafe
  • disturb
  • exasperate
  • fret
  • gall
  • get
  • irk
  • irritate
  • nettle
  • peeve
  • provoke
  • rile
  • ruffle
  • vex

phrase put through: to bring about and carry to a successful conclusion


  • bring off
  • carry out
  • carry through
  • effect
  • effectuate
  • execute
  • swing

phrase put together: to create by forming, combining, or altering materials


  • assemble
  • build
  • construct
  • fabricate
  • fashion
  • forge
  • frame
  • make
  • manufacture
  • mold
  • produce
  • shape

phrase put up: to raise upright


  • erect
  • pitch
  • raise
  • rear
  • set up
  • upraise
  • uprear

phrase put up: to make or form (a structure)


  • build
  • construct
  • erect
  • raise
  • rear

phrase put up: to prepare (food) for storage and future use


  • can
  • conserve
  • preserve

phrase put up: to provide with often temporary lodging


  • accommodate
  • bed
  • berth
  • bestow
  • billet
  • board
  • bunk
  • domicile
  • harbor
  • house
  • lodge
  • quarter
  • room

Synonyms for put

noun the option to sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date


  • put option

Related Words

  • straddle
  • span
  • option

verb put into a certain place or abstract location


  • lay
  • place
  • set
  • position
  • pose

Related Words

  • put in
  • stick in
  • inclose
  • insert
  • introduce
  • enclose
  • docket
  • cock
  • postpose
  • prepose
  • step
  • put back
  • replace
  • stratify
  • plant
  • intersperse
  • snuggle
  • nestle
  • pile
  • arrange
  • set up
  • superimpose
  • superpose
  • lay over
  • park
  • ensconce
  • settle
  • dispose
  • emplace
  • ship
  • underlay
  • trench
  • pigeonhole
  • shelve
  • jar
  • repose
  • sign
  • middle
  • parallelize
  • butt
  • recess
  • reposition
  • throw
  • thrust
  • tee
  • tee up
  • rack up
  • coffin
  • bed
  • appose
  • place down
  • put down
  • set down
  • sow
  • seed
  • misplace
  • juxtapose
  • bottle
  • bucket
  • barrel
  • ground
  • pillow
  • rest
  • mislay
  • lose
  • upend
  • seat
  • sit down
  • sit
  • lay
  • place upright
  • stand up
  • stand
  • recline
  • set
  • instal
  • install
  • posit
  • situate
  • deposit
  • fix
  • ladle
  • poise
  • lean
  • clap
  • perch
  • load
  • cram
  • siphon
  • move
  • displace
  • position
  • glycerolise
  • glycerolize
  • space
  • marshal
  • settle down
  • imbricate
  • communicate
  • pass along
  • put across
  • pass on
  • pass
  • apply
  • put on
  • put up
  • post
  • assemble
  • put together
  • tack together
  • piece
  • tack
  • land
  • bring down
  • gaol
  • immure
  • imprison
  • incarcerate
  • jail
  • jug
  • put behind bars
  • remand
  • lag
  • put away
  • postpone
  • prorogue
  • put off
  • defer
  • set back
  • table
  • put over
  • remit
  • hold over
  • knock back

verb cause to be in a certain state

Related Words

  • alter
  • change
  • modify
  • put to sleep
  • anaesthetise
  • anaesthetize
  • anesthetise
  • anesthetize
  • put under
  • put out
  • can
  • tin
  • put up
  • follow out
  • follow up
  • put through
  • carry out
  • follow through
  • implement
  • go through
  • put away
  • smother
  • disconcert
  • flurry
  • confuse
  • put off
  • demean
  • disgrace
  • degrade
  • take down
  • put down
  • dishearten
  • douse

verb formulate in a particular style or language


  • couch
  • redact
  • frame
  • cast

Related Words

  • give voice
  • phrase
  • word
  • articulate
  • formulate

verb attribute or give


  • assign

Related Words

  • apply
  • employ
  • use
  • utilise
  • utilize
  • repose

verb make an investment


  • invest
  • commit
  • place

Related Words

  • fund
  • expend
  • spend
  • drop
  • roll over
  • shelter
  • tie up
  • job
  • speculate
  • buy into

verb estimate


  • place
  • set

Related Words

  • estimate
  • gauge
  • approximate
  • guess
  • judge

verb cause (someone) to undergo something

Related Words

  • subject

verb adapt

Related Words

  • music
  • arrange
  • set

verb arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events


  • arrange
  • order
  • set up

Related Words

  • contemporise
  • contemporize
  • synchronise
  • synchronize
  • phrase
  • organize
  • organise




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