Scarlatti, Domenico
Scarlatti, Domenico:
see under Scarlatti, AlessandroScarlatti, Alessandro, 1660–1725, Italian composer. He may have studied with Carissimi in Rome, where his first opera was produced in 1679. In 1684 he went to Naples as master of the royal chapel and there composed operas for the royal palace and chamber music for the
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Scarlatti, Domenico
Born Oct. 26, 1685, in Naples; died July 23, 1757, in Madrid. Italian composer and harpsichordist. Son and pupil of A. Scarlatti.
Scarlatti was a choirmaster and harpsichordist. His most important works are his harpsichord pieces (“exercises,” later called sonatas), which were precursors of the sonata form. He created a virtuoso style of harpsichord playing. Scarlatti wrote more than ten operas, as well as sacred music and other works.
Kuznetsov, K. “Ekskizy o D. Skarlatti.” Sovetskaia muzyka, 1935, no. 10.Klimovitskii, A. “Zarozhdenie i razvitie sonatnoi formy v tvorchestve D. Skarlatti.” In the collection Voprosy muzykal’noi formy, fasc. 1. Moscow, 1966.
Valabrega, C. II clavicembalista D. Scarlatti, 2nd ed. [Parma, 1955.]