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DictionarySeepityriasispityriasis nigra
tin·e·a ni'g·raa fungus infection due to Exophiala werneckii, marked by dark lesions giving a spattered appearance and occurring most commonly on the palms of the hands. Synonym(s): pityriasis nigrapityriasis (pit?i-ri'a-sis) [Gr. pityron, bran, scale + -iasis] A skin disease characterized by scales that resemble bran.pityriasis albaA form of decreased melanin in the skin marked by patches of round or oval macular skin lesions with fine adherent scales. The lesions are commonly seen in the facial areas of children. They are virtually painless and usually require no therapy. They may disappear spontaneously. The cause is unknown, but the disease is regarded as a mild form of eczema.pityriasis capitisDandruff.pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis, acuta Abbreviation: PLEVA A skin disorder characterized by development of an edematous pink papule that undergoes central vesiculation and hemorrhagic necrosis. The lesions clear spontaneously after weeks or months but leave scars. pityriasis linguaeTransitory benign plaques of the tongue. Synonym: geographic tonguepityriasis nigraTinea nigra.pityriasis roseaAn acute inflammatory skin disease sometimes associated with human herpes virus 6 or 7 infection, marked by a macular eruption on the trunk, obliquely to the ribs, and on the upper extremities. The initial (herald) patch appears in more than half of the cases. In a few days it enlarges to several centimeters. Then, within 2 to 21 days, secondary eruptions occur. They are rose-red and somewhat scaly with a clearing in the center, or reddish ring-shaped patches symmetrically distributed over the limbs. The symptoms disappear spontaneously within 2 to 10 weeks. Treatment consists of the local application of antipruritics. pityriasis rubra pilarisPersistent general exfoliative dermatitis of unknown cause See: exfoliative dermatitispityriasis versicolorTinea versicolor. |