pityriasis lichenoides chronica

pit·y·ri·a·sis li·che·noi·des chron·i·ca

an eruption, lasting up to a few years, of reddish-brown papules with central scaling; it clears without scarring. [lichenoides Mod. L., fr. G. leichēn, lichen, a lichen-like eruption, + eidos, resemblance; chronica Mod. L. chronic, fr. G. chronikos, pertaining to time; fr. chronos, time]

pityriasis lichenoides chronica

An uncommon, idiopathic dermatosis that primarily affects younger patients (under age 30), which is characterised by waves of erythematous, scaly papules that may persist for months.
Unknown; thought to be a hypersensitivity reaction to viruses—e.g., EBV, adenovirus, parvovirus B19.
Various modalities have been tried, including phototherapy (UV, solar), topical steroids and antibiotics.