

单词 tec



(tɛk) or


ninformal short for detective


(tɛk) (in Britain) n acronym for (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Training and Enterprise Council. See Training Agency
Noun1.tec - a police officer who investigates crimestec - a police officer who investigates crimesdetective, police detective, investigatordick, gumshoe, hawkshaw - someone who is a detectiveplainclothesman - a detective who wears civilian clothes on dutypolice officer, policeman, officer - a member of a police force; "it was an accident, officer"tracer - an investigator who is employed to find missing persons or missing goods



A gene on chromosome 4p12 that encodes a non-receptor tyrosine kinase which contributes to signalling from many receptors and participates as a signal transducer in multiple downstream pathways, including regulation of the actin cytoskekleton. TEC plays a redundant role to ITK in regulating the adaptive immune response; it also plays a redundant role to BTK in BCR signalling for B-cell development and activation, especially by phosphorylating STAP1, a BCR-signalling protein. It also regulates the development, function and differentiation of conventional T cells and non-conventional NKT cells. It plays a role in hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration and is involved in HGF-induced ERK signalling pathway.


TECThe Episcopal Church
TECTexas Education Code
TECTransport En Commun (French: Public Transport; Belgium)
TECTrinity Episcopal Church (various locations)
TECTeacher Education Committee (various schools)
TECTarif Extérieur Commun (French: Common External Tariff; various nations)
TECTeacher Education Council (various locations)
TECTraining and Education Center (various organizations)
TECThe Eternal City (game)
TECTeens Encounter Christ (Catholic Youth Retreat)
TECTertiary Education Commission
TECThermal Expansion Coefficient
TECTransport and Environment Committee (UK)
TECTri-County Electric Cooperative (Minnesota)
TECTriethyl Citrate
TECTeknisk Erhvervsskole Center (Danish: Technical Education Center)
TECThe Education Company (Canada)
TECTechnology Evaluation Center
TECTypical Electricity Consumption (Energy Star Test Method)
TECThe Energy Cooperative (various locations)
TECTubular Epithelial Cell
TECTarifa Externa Comum (Portugese: External Common Tariff)
TECThe Education Committee (various locations)
TECToyo Engineering Corporation (Japan)
TECTranscription Elongation Complex
TECTherapeutic Equestrian Center (various locations)
TECThe Electric Company (TV show)
TECThreatened Ecological Community (Australia)
TECTexas Ethics Commission
TECText Encoding Conversion
TECThreshold Exceed Condition
TECThermal Electric Cooler
TECTivoli Entertainment Console
TECTypical Electricity Consumption
TECTotal Electronic Control
TECTechnical Education Center
TECTail End Charlie
TECTraffic Enforcement Centre (UK)
TECTotal Electron Content
TECThermoelectric Cooling
TECTurner Entertainment Company (est. 1986; Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.)
TECTivoli Enterprise Console
TECThermo-Electric Cooler
TECTopographic Engineering Center
TECTechnical Excellence & Creativity (Award)
TECTerminologia Esperanto Centro (Esperanto: Esperanto Terminology Center)
TECTrail's End Camp (Pennsylvania and New York)
TECTransportation Engineering Council (North Carolina)
TECThermal Engineering Corporation
TECTransatlantic Economic Council (Transatlantic Business Dialogue)
TECTexas Employment Commission
TECTraining and Enterprise Council
TECTechnical Evaluation Committee
TECTexas Electric Cooperatives, Inc.
TECTransitional Executive Council
TECTotal Estimated Cost
TECTeaching Excellence Center (various schools)
TECTelecom Engineering Centre (India)
TECTest and Electrical Characterization
TECTransient Erythroblastopenia of Childhood
TECTest and Evaluation Center
TECThymic Epithelial Cell
TECTechnology Enhanced Classroom (education)
TEC[not an acronym] (formerly Tokyo Electric Co., Ltd.; as in Toshiba TEC Corporation)
TECTransAlta Energy Corporation (Canada)
TECThe Entrepreneurship Center
TECThe Experts Conference (computing)
TECTanzania Episcopal Conference (Christianity)
TECThe Education Channel (various locations)
TECTransluminal Extraction Catheter
TECTravel Expense Claim
TECTilganga Eye Centre (Nepal)
TECTraffic Engineering Control
TECTechnologies de l'Entreprise Communicante (French: Technology Communications Company; France)
TECThe Elongated Collectors (pressed elongated souvenir pennies)
TECTax-Exempt Customer (various organizations)
TECTelescope Engineering Company (Golden, CO; est. 1994)
TECTaxpayer Education and Communication
TECThe Engineers’ Club
TECTeam Eclipse (gaming clan)
TECTreaty of the European Community
TECTechnology for Energy Corporation (Knoxville, TN)
TECTunnel Engineering Consultants (Netherlands)
TECTurbine Exhaust Case
TECTransportation Equipment Cleaning (regulations; US EPA)
TECThermal Efficiency Construction
TECTransmit Error Counter (computer networking)
TECType Examination Certificate
TECTraditional Episcopal Church
TECThe Entertainment Connection (various locations)
TECTheatre Enabling Command (medical care; US DoD)
TECThermionic Energy Conversion
TECThe Environmental Company, Inc (Annapolis, MD)
TECType Equipment Code
TECTraining Extension Course
TECTransearth Coast
TECThe Elite Connection (gaming clan)
TECTotal Excellence Centre (Manchester, UK)
TECTower En-route Control
TECTennessee Eastman Corporation
TECThyroid Epithelial Cell
TECTerritorial Electoral Commission (Russian Federation)
TECThreshold Effects Concentration
TECToppan Editorial Communications (Japan)
TECTosei Electric Corporation (Japan)
TECTeens Erleben Christus (German)
TECTactical ELINT Correlator
TECTerna Engineering College (India)
TECThe Elite Clan (Counter-Strike clan)
TECTotal Entertainment Center (video rental store)
TECThreshold Exceeds Condition
TECTemporal Error Concealment
TECTraining Equipment Center
TECTest Execution Control
TECTibet Empowerment Circle (nonprofit NGO supporting education and empowerment for Tibetans)
TECTRICARE Executive Committee
TECThermal Electric Control
TECTemporary Engineering Change
TECTeaching Energy Conservation
TECTOSS Exchange Center
TECTriple Error Correction
TECTest Environment Certification
TECTrace Elements Corporation
TECTraining Exercise Coordinator
TECTest & Experimentation Center
TECTechnical Environment Control, Incorporated
TECTemporal Energy Constraint
TECTaxpayer Education and Counseling
TECTime-Domain Echo Cancellation
TECTasa de Eventos de Control (Spanish)
TECTokai Electronic(s) Company
TECThanet Engineered Cars (UK)
TECTotal Elementary Carbon (solid wastes)


  • noun

Synonyms for tec

noun a police officer who investigates crimes


  • detective
  • police detective
  • investigator

Related Words

  • dick
  • gumshoe
  • hawkshaw
  • plainclothesman
  • police officer
  • policeman
  • officer
  • tracer




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