Vladimir Chivilikhin
Chivilikhin, Vladimir Alekseevich
Born Mar. 7, 1928, in Mariinsk, Kemerovo Oblast. Soviet Russian writer. Member of the CPSU since 1952.
The son of a worker, Chivilikhin graduated from the faculty of journalism of Moscow State University in 1954. In 1957 he published the documentary novella The Life Force. In the novellas Of Klava Ivanova (1964), Fiddlesticks! (1965), Above Sea Level (1967), and The Many-colored Rock (1969) he shows human personalities in the process of formation and presents a positive image of contemporary man.
Chivilikhin explores his principal subjects—man, society, and nature—in both artistic and publicist works, including Land in Distress (1969), Does She Love You? (1968), Swedish Stops (1974), and By Cities and Hamlets (1976). He published Poems in 1974.
Chivilikhin received the Lenin Komsomol Prize in 1966 and the M. Gorky Prize of the RSFSR in 1977; he has been awarded two orders.
Kuznetsov, F. Kakim byt’. Moscow, 1962.Sergovantsev, N. “Vladimir Chivilikhin.” Vmire knig, 1968, no. 8.
Brovman, G. Talant i napravlenie. Moscow, 1971.
Lobanov, M. Vnutrennee i vneshnee. Moscow, 1975.