Vladimir Andreevich Khrabryi

Vladimir Andreevich Khrabryi


Born July 15, 1353; died 1410. An appanage prince of Serpukhov and Borovsk and a Russian military leader. Prince Vladimir Andreevich was the son of Prince Andrei Ivanovich and the grandson of Ivan Kalita. He helped strengthen the Moscow principality as a leader of the military campaigns against the rulers of Tver (1375), Riazan’ (1385), and Novgorod (1392) and against the Lithuanian forces (1370 and 1379). In the Battle of Kulikovo with the Tatars (1380), where he fought under the banner of Dmitri Donskoi, he commanded ambush forces which decided the outcome of the battle in favor of the Russians. Thereafter he was given the epithet khrabryi (the brave). In 1382 at the battle of Volok he aided in the expulsion of Khan Tokhtamysh. He prepared the rebuff of Timur’s hordes in 1398 and led the defense of Moscow during the raid of Khan Edigei in 1408.


Povesti o Kulikovskoi bitve. Moscow, 1959.


Solov’ev, S. M. Istoriia Rossii s drevneishikh vremen, vol. 1. Moscow, 1959.
Cherepnin, L. V. Russkie feodal’nye arkhivy XIV-XV vv., part 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948.