Vladimir Adlerberg
Adlerberg, Vladimir Fedorovich
Born Nov. 11 (22), 1790; died Mar. 8 (20), 1884. Tsarist dignitary.
From 1817, Adlerberg was aide-de-camp to Grand Duke Nicholas (Nikolai Pavlovich), heir to the throne. During the entire reign of Nicholas I, Adlerberg remained his closest friend. In 1828 he became adjutant general and in 1847 was made a count. From 1842 to 1857 he headed the postal department, when postage stamps were introduced in Russia. From 1852 to 1870 he was minister of the imperial court and crown lands. Adlerberg’s son, Aleksandr Vladimirovich (born May 1 [13], 1818; died Sept. 22 [Oct. 4], 1888), was an adjutant general from 1855 and the closest adviser and personal friend of Alexander II. He replaced his father as court minister in 1870 and remained in that position until 1881.