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Vermont Maple Festival Vermont Maple FestivalLast weekend in AprilVermont is the official maple capital of the world, and the maple festival held there each spring is really a statewide celebration. Maple sugaring—the process of tapping maple trees, gathering the sap, and boiling it in the sugarhouse to produce syrup—was a main source of income for the early settlers in Vermont as well as their main source of sweets. The sugaring industry flourished until World War II, when the number of producers dropped sharply. In the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, the growing emphasis on dairy farming resulted in the suspension of many sugaring operations. Although there has been a resurgence of interest in recent years, mild winters have taken their toll on the maple sugar crop because cold nights are needed to make the sap flow. Since 1968 the three-day festival in St. Albans has promoted Vermont maple products through educational exhibits, sugaring equipment displays, essay contests, syrup competitions, maple cooking contests, and a parade. In addition to maple syrup, the festival gives visitors an opportunity to sample maple cream, maple candy, and maple sugar on snow. CONTACTS: Vermont Maple Festival P.O. Box 255 St. Albans, VT 05478 802-524-5800 www.vtmaplefestival.org SOURCES: GdUSFest-1984, p. 195