

单词 sid
释义 DictionarySeedistance


Uncle Sid

slang LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), a synthetic hallucinogenic drug. Possibly derived from a phonetic shortening of "acid" (a common slang term for LSD), with "Uncle" added for humorous effect. There were a few people passing around tabs of Uncle Sid at the concert. A: "What the heck is wrong with Tom?" B: "Oh, just tripping on Uncle Sid. He'll be fine."See also: Sid, uncle


slang A phonetic shortening of "acid," a common slang term for the hallucinogenic drug LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). There were a few people passing around tabs of sid at the concert. A: "What the heck is wrong with Tom?" B: "Oh, just tripping on sid. He'll be fine."



(geophysics) sudden ionospheric disturbance


(1) (Society for Information Display, Santa Ana, CA, www.sid.org) A membership organization founded in 1962 devoted to the information display industry. With chapters around the world, SID hosts conferences in the U.S. and abroad and publishes a monthly magazine. By 2004, the society was 6000 members strong.

(2) (Security ID) In Windows, a unique name assigned to each user and to each workgroup. See access token.

(3) (System ID) A unique number assigned to a wireless system. See NID.



Abbreviation for source-to-image distance.


Society for Investigative Dermatology; sensory integration disorder; source-to-image receptor distance.


SIDSemel in Die (Latin: Once A Day)
SIDSociety for Information Display
SIDSports Information Director
SIDSecurity Identifier
SIDSpecial Improvement District
SIDSociety for International Development
SIDSafer Internet Day (Insafe)
SIDShared Information & Data (model)
SIDSociety for Investigative Dermatology
SIDSudden Infant Death
SIDSoftware in Development (various organizations)
SIDStitch in the Ditch (quilts)
SIDShip in Distress
SIDSystem Identifier
SIDSensory Integration Disorder
SIDSensory Integration Dysfunction
SIDSystem Insight Display (Hewlett Packard)
SIDSound Improvement Disc (acoustics)
SIDStandard Instrument Departure
SIDShared Information and Data
SIDSerial Input Data
SIDSender Id
SIDSociety for Information Displays
SIDSafer Internet Day
SIDSession Id
SIDSales Terminal Identifier
SIDSystem Id
SIDService Id
SIDSource Identification
SIDSolid Ink Density
SIDSubsystem Identification
SIDSignaling Identifier
SIDSequence Id
SIDSecurity Id
SIDSonic Interaction Design
SIDSession Identifier
SIDSource ID
SIDSenior Independent Director (various organizations)
SIDSound Interface Device
SIDSpecialarbejderforbundet I Danmark (Denmark)
SIDStudent Identification Number
SIDService Identifier
SIDScientific Investigation Division (law enforcement; various locations)
SIDStation Identification
SIDSudden Ionospheric Disturbance
SIDState Identification Number
SIDSaab Information Display
SIDSubscriber Identification
SIDSource-to-Image Distance (radiology)
SIDStation Identifier
SIDSide Impact Dummy (auto crash testing)
SIDSituation Display
SIDSpecial Investigation Division
SIDStrong Ion Difference (medical interpretation of complex acid base problems)
SIDSurface-Induced Dissociation (mass spectrometry)
SIDState Inpatient Database
SIDSocial Intelligence Design
SIDSilence Insertion Descriptor
SIDSpecimen Image Database (biodiversity research)
SIDSeverely Intellectually Disabled
SIDSafety in Design
SIDSystems Integration Division
SIDShuttle Integration Device (US NASA)
SIDSecurity in Depth
SIDSupplier Information Database
SIDSpecial Investigation Department (Thailand)
SIDSociedad Internacional para el Desarrollo (Spanish)
SIDSymbolic Interactive Debugger
SIDSingular Indestructible Droid (song)
SIDSilicon Ice Development (video game developer)
SIDSpatially Immersive Display
SIDSeed Industry Development (various locations)
SIDSanitary Improvement District
SIDSecondary Imagery Dissemination
SIDStrategies for International Development (Arlington, VA)
SIDSociété Internationale pour le Développement (French)
SIDSpecial Energy Improvement District (Ohio)
SIDSystem Interface Document
SIDSal, Cape Verde - Amilcar Cabral International (Airport Code)
SIDSystemic Inflammatory Disease
SIDSystème d'information Douanier (French: Customs Information System)
SIDSwift Interface Device
SIDSadistic, Intelligent, Dangerous
SIDStreet Improvement District
SIDSociété Industrielle de Diffusion (French: Industrial Distribution Company)
SIDStructure Identifier
SIDSpectral Information Divergence
SIDSlew Induced Distortion
SIDSidetic (linguistics)
SIDShip Installation Drawing
SIDStructural Interior Design (US Army Corps of Engineers)
SIDSwitch Identifier
SIDSubstitution, Insertion, Deletion
SIDSatellite Identifier
SIDSerial Interface Device
SIDStandard Interface Document
SIDScheduled Implementation Date
SIDSystem Interface Description
SIDSend Identifier
SIDServices Innovants pour Personnes Dépendantes (French: Innovative Services for Dependent Persons)
SIDSodium Ionization Detector
SIDSoftware Independent Data
SIDSource Image Distances
SIDSequence Information Data
SIDStandard Information Display
SIDSystem Identifier for the Database Instance (Oracle)
SIDSubsea Intervention Device
SIDStandard Integrated Desktop
SIDSatellite Infiltration Drone (Knight Rider TV show)
SIDSupplementary Irish Draught (horse breed)
SIDSecurity Investigation Division
SIDSkin Irritant Decontaminant
SIDService Industries Division
SIDSystem Interface Diagram
SIDSequence Interaction Diagram
SIDService Information Dataset
SIDSilent Indicator Description
SIDStrategic Intelligence Digests
SIDSecurity Investigations Division (Armed Forces Retirement Home)
SIDShuffled Iterative Decoding
SIDSeismic Intrusion Detector/Device
SIDSolomon Island Dollar (national currency)
SIDStrip Interior Diffraction
SIDSatisfactory Implementation of Design
SIDStammdaten Identifikationsnummer (German)
SIDSystem Information Directory
SIDStrip of Initial Definition
SIDSystems Inventory Database




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