Stone Image
Stone Image
(in Russian, kamennye baby) the name for carved stone sculptures (1 to 4 m high), which in ancient times were set up on high points in the steppe regions from the Dnestr River in the west to the Altai and Mongolia in the east.
The stone images of the Black Sea coastal areas date from different periods, from the Scythian (fifth-fourth century B.C.) to the late nomadic (13—14th century a.d.). Menhir-type carved stone sculptures, which date from the Bronze Age, are known in Siberia. The stone images were apparently associated with ancestor worship.
Griaznov, M., and E. Shneider. “Drevnie izvaianiia Minusinskikh ste-pei.” In Materialy po etnografii, vol. 4, fasc. 2. Leningrad, 1929.Elagina, N. G. “Skifskie antropomorfhye stely Nikolaevskogo muzeia.” Sovetskaia arkheologiia, 1959, no. 2, pp. 187-96.